Thy Neighbor's Wife

Thy Neighbor's Wife by Georgia Beers Page B

Book: Thy Neighbor's Wife by Georgia Beers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Georgia Beers
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance
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    “Yeah, well, that pretty much sums up that relationship.”
    “Poor Nikki.”
    “It’s too bad. She’s a nice girl.”
    They pulled into Jennifer’s driveway just as the sun broke
    through the clouds.
    “What weird weather,” Jennifer remarked.
    “You’ll get used to it.”
    “Hey, have you had dinner?” Jennifer asked as she reached for
    the door handle.
    “Eric’s staying in Buffalo tonight, so I’m on my own. I was just
    going to whip up a salad. Would you care to join me? Keep me com-
    Alex smiled widely. “Can I run home and grab a shower first? I
    have sand in places where sand has no business being.”
    “Me, too. See you back here in half an hour?”
    “Sounds great.”
    Jennifer watched as Alex jogged across the yard to her own
    place. “And bring Kinsey!” she hollered after her, smiling as she
    waved back. She couldn’t recall ever having connected with another
    woman so quickly. Well, at least not since…
    36 Georgia Beers
    She literally waved the thought away with her hand and she
    grabbed her shoes and towel from the back seat. I will not go there,
    she told herself. Several times.
    As Alex approached the back deck of Jennifer’s place, she
    stopped and ran her fingers through her hair one last time. The din-
    ner invitation was totally unexpected, but she’d been more than
    happy to accept. She was finding herself more and more excited
    about this new friendship and she was looking forward to getting to
    know her neighbor better. The fact that Jennifer had pegged her on
    her sexuality unnerved her a bit, though she was unsure as to why.
    It wasn’t a big secret or anything. Jennifer had seemed so straight-
    forward and unaffected by the whole thing; Alex found it refreshing
    and odd at the same time. As had happened in the past, she began
    to suspect that maybe the hang-up about her gayness was her own
    and not anybody else’s.
    She looked down at Kinsey, who sat at her feet scowling with
    barely disguised impatience.
    “How do I look?” she asked him quietly.
    She could have sworn he rolled his brown eyes at her.
    “Oh, thanks a lot. Come on.” She led him up the stairs, maneu-
    vering his leash and a bottle of wine in one hand while she rapped
    lightly on the sliding glass door with the other.
    Jennifer appeared momentarily, bouncing to the door and smil-
    ing; she looked happy to see them as she slid the door open.
    “Hi. Long time, no see.” She looked fresh as a flower and
    smelled just as sweet. Alex squinted suspiciously at her.
    “Hey. Didn’t you just finish playing over an hour of intense
    volleyball in the sand? Weren’t you as dirty and sweaty as the rest of
    us? How is it you look like this so fast?”
    Jennifer blushed an attractive pink and Alex made a mental
    note to make her new friend blush as often as possible. It was ador-
    She held out the wine. “I come bearing gifts.”
    “I see that. You didn’t have to do that, you know.”
    “You didn’t have to invite me. It was very sweet of you. We
    were going to have cereal.” Alex looked down at Kinsey as Jennifer
    38 Georgia Beers
    laughed. “She thinks I’m kidding,” she muttered to her dog.
    “Hi there, handsome.” Jennifer squatted down and gave Kinsey
    the attention for which he’d been waiting patiently.
    Alex took the opportunity to study her new neighbor from
    above. Her hair was still damp. She had pulled it back into a quick
    braid that reached just past her shoulders and Alex noticed for the
    first time several streaks of red that ran through it. She wore baggy
    gray sweatpants emblazoned with NYU on the hip and a maroon
    sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off, which showed her surprisingly
    muscular shoulders. Alex’s eyes lingered there for several delicious
    seconds before sliding down and taking note of the rest of her pleas-
    ing shape.
    Kinsey sufficiently bathed Jennifer’s face, but Jennifer appar-
    ently couldn’t get enough

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