As he’s coming, gaze into his eyes and tell him how he turns you on. While his body lives out its orgasm, there’s no better sight or sound for him to behold.
Wherever it goes, it will get messy, and messy is good, so welcome the mess—or spread a towel on the bed to save the sheets. And if he wore a condom, the mess is completely self-contained!
Swallow Yes. You’re about to offer your guy one of the greatest gifts a woman can bestow upon her man. To receive his orgasm, part your lips like you’re drinking water from a fountain, place them snuggly over his head, and swallow as he comes. You may find it easier to take his head inside and aim him toward your cheek. Or just take him in as far as you can and go for it!
You may need to practice your technique so you don’t gag. Always avoid making jarring spitting noises—just let it flow out of your mouth if you like. And never stop your hand or mouth from moving as he comes—his climax depends on it!
Sadie Sez:
Come...the low carb treat! Sure it’s creamy, but come is low in fat, low in calories, low in carbohydrates and high in quality protein. It’s also got a bit of zinc, calcium. magnesium, vitamins C and B 12, potassium, phosphorus and fructose, along with a healthy portion of DNA.
Conquering Those What If’s
What if I don’t like giving oral sex?
Are you flashing back to a bad experience? An ex who demanded it? Feelings of shame or guilt? Questions of respect? Perhaps you’ve worked through your issues, or now have a greater sexual maturity. Be honest with your partner. And if you’re ready to try again, start with little licks and nibbles, going only as far as you’re comfortable, trying a little more each time.
What if he doesn’t smell good?
Haul him into the shower and give him an good erotic soap-down, followed by a hot waterfall blowjob. Offer to groom and shave his pubic hair, too.
What if I’m practicing safe sex?
You don’t have to give up oral sex to practice safer sex. Unless you’re in a monogamous relationship and are certain both of you are free of all hidden risks, see the Appendix for safer sex tips and information on condoms.
What if he shoves my head down?
He just needs a little training.Take his hands off your head, and in a loving way, place them elsewhere. If the head pushing starts again, stop and tell him nicely that it makes you uncomfortable. If he persists, you can just stop. Game over. Be sure to bring it up when you’re not in the heat of passion. Or next time, tie his hands to the bed!
What if I gag?
Everyone gags. It’s your body’s involuntary reaction to something blocking your throat, and it can save your life if you’re choking.
If you discover you’re gagging, just stroke him with your hand till the feeling settles down. You can whisper “’re just so big.” followed up with a sassy smile and wet lick on his tender-spot.
Here’s how to short-circuit gagging: wrap your hands around the base of his penis, creating a buffer so you determine how deeply you’ll let his penis into your mouth—no matter how much he thrusts. And make sure your lips and mouth are extra wet.
As you get comfortable, loosen your buffer a little to take more of him in. Relax your throat. Choose a position that matches the curve of his penis to the curve of your throat, so he’s not aiming directly at your gag spot. Or try a numbing gel, which you apply near the back of your throat to temporarily reduce the gag reflex.And more importantly, don’t try this after a full meal!
Remember: it’ll take some practice and patience. In the meantime, he’ll be perfectly happy with you focusing on the top half of his penis!
What if he wants me to swallow?
It’s entirely up to you. Swallow only if you’re comfortable.
What if I don’t like the taste?
If you’re recalling a bad
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