To Take Up the Sword
disaster at the motel.” Gabe paced across the old hardwood floors; with every step they creaked their complaint.
    “I saw the news report, and was concerned until I heard about the missing vehicle. Everyone thinks you’re dead. Give me a rundown.”
    His voice chilled. “Three thugs caught up with us there. After they killed the desk clerk, they opened fire on the room. Lea heard them coming, woke me, which gave us time to get in place to counter their attack. However, after I took out two of them, the third man came in the back door and attempted to shoot me in the head. Lea, positioned behind the bathroom door out of sight, took him out before he could get the shot off.”
    “How is she?”
    “I know you, Gabe. Don’t try to lie to me. I can tell you’re worried and if you are, there is a reason. Talk to me.”
    “She’s shaken up. Scared and tired of running. She’s been dealing with the stress of threats and stalker type behavior for a while now. I think killing that dirtbag is something that will take time for her to get over.”
    “Where is she now?”
    “In the bathtub. God, you just had to remind me.” Gabe raked a hand through his hair in frustration.
    Mac laughed at his growl. “I admire your restraint.”
    “She’s… How did this happen?”
    “I thought you still had a thing for Serena.”
    “Whatever we had is nothing compared to what I feel for Lea. I can’t breathe when she’s near me. Not only would I kill for her, but I’d die for her without a moment’s hesitation. I think I’ve lost my mind.”
    “You’re serious.”
    “I just have to figure out a way to tell her without scaring her away.”
    “Sometimes show is better than tell.”
    “Well. That’s not an option.”
    “Yeah. Believe me, I know.” He heard footsteps behind him. “What’s your ETA?”
    “She’s standing behind you, isn’t she?”
    “You got it.”
    “Eight tomorrow morning. Rest well.”
    Gabe hung up on Mac’s laughter.
    * * * *
    Lea stood in the bedroom doorway and waited for Gabe to end his phone call. “Shower’s free. I think I’ll go lie down for a little while, if you think it’s safe.”
    “Go ahead and sleep awhile. Mac will be here at eight tomorrow morning.” He growled at her, slipping out of his shoes and shoving them under his side of the bed.
    “Are you angry with me?”
    “No. I’m going to get a shower.” He stripped off his shirt as he went, leaving it draped on the end of the bed, and all but ran for the bathroom.
    Lea stretched out on the bed. The mattress was soft and giving, but as tired as she was, she couldn’t fall asleep. She wanted to forget she’d killed a man. Forget the reason she’d pulled the trigger, not to save herself, but to save the man she loved. She loved Gabriel Spiller. So why was she sitting on an empty bed alone, when the man she loved, trusted, needed, was just down the hall waiting?

    Chapter 7
    “I love you, Gabe. I’m tired of waiting. Will you be with me?” Lea loosened the knot at her waist, allowing the robe the fall to the floor. Gabe turned toward the sound of her voice. Standing fully naked outside the shower, she was unashamed of her love and need for this man. He opened the door and bent his head to kiss her lips. Gabe held his hand out to her. She felt the strength and warmth of it as she placed hers into it, then stepped into the tub. He encircled her, pulling her hard against him and under the hot spray. Smiling, she moaned at the heat and curved her back, moving even closer.
    “Be sure, Leannan.”
    Gabe trailed kisses down her throat, lightly nipping the corded muscles of her neck before moving lower to her curves, brushing the sides of her breasts with his fingertips.
    “I don’t know if I can stop myself if you change your mind.”
    “I’m sure.” Turning, she took the soap from him and began to slide it over his skin, exploring the ripples of muscle. With gentle strokes she learned

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