Torn by Love (Scarred by Love #4)

Torn by Love (Scarred by Love #4) by C. A. Harms

Book: Torn by Love (Scarred by Love #4) by C. A. Harms Read Free Book Online
Authors: C. A. Harms
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started acting crazy. He wouldn’t go outside, was really limited in talking about his personal life. She called her concerns in last night, and the cops brought him in thirty minutes later.”
    A huge relief washed over me. I squeezed Lily a little closer, letting her rest her head on my chest. Then it hit me—this wasn’t over for her. She would have to testify. She would have to face him in court, and I wasn’t sure if she was strong enough. This would be yet another test of her will.

    Chapter Thirteen
    I’ve crawled back in to my shell. You’d think I would be happy and celebrating, but the impending court date weighed heavy on my mind. I’ve spent the last three weeks avoiding Tanner and anyone else who tried to comfort me. The only person I had talked to was my attorney.
    Today I would face the man who took away my willpower to fight. I had to go in front of a judge and convince the jury that Randy had attacked me and intended to do more. I had to describe the times he had attempted to assault me. I was the only one who could make them see that he needed to be punished. I just wasn’t sure how strong I could be.
    Logan and Sam were waiting for me at the kitchen table when I walked out of my bedroom. They were both wearing suits and ties, looking handsome and ready to support me when I needed it most. I decided to go with a simple dress, dark blue, cutting off just above my knees, accompanied by a pair of nude-colored heels. My eyes filled with tears the moment they met theirs. Logan immediately stood and rushed toward me, then took me into his arms.
    “We’re here for you, whether you want it or not. You’re strong, Lil,” he whispered, and I shook my head. “Yes, you are. You’ve been through so much, and I know you don’t want anyone there, but you can’t keep us away. We love you and we’re here for you. No matter what, we’ll always be by your side.”
    Sam followed us as I allowed Logan to lead me to his car. The ride to the courthouse was quiet. I kept my head down most of the way, but when we parked I looked up at the front of the big stone building. A lump rose in my throat as the tears began to fall once more, only they were happy tears this time.
    All of my friends were standing on the front steps. Carson stood next to Kate wearing his uniform and holding her hand. Riley and Zander were to their left, and Max and Bree stood just behind them. Tanner sat on the top step, resting his elbows on his knees with his head hung low. Mason and Kelly, who I barely knew, had even taken time out of their day to show me support.
    My heart ached at this show of unity and at the realization that this group had accepted me as one of their own. Even though I wasn’t blood, they loved me regardless, and whether or not Tanner and I were a couple, I knew they were part of my family.
    “They all insisted on being here,” Sam said as he looked back at me from the front seat.
    I was overwhelmed by their love and could only nod.
    I spent ten minutes hugging and receiving encouragement from everyone who was there to support me, then we entered the courthouse.
    I sat on one of the benches, twisting my hands in my lap nervously and looking down. My stomach was in knots and my heart racing. I just wanted this to be over. I wanted to move on and forget Randy had ever existed. I hated what he had already taken from me and what he had turned me into.
    “You got this, Lily,” Tanner whispered from behind me. I couldn’t look at him. I knew I would only break down if I did. I was already on the verge of losing it.
    “You’re so strong, stronger than you give yourself credit for,” he continued. “Don’t let him take anything more from you. Show him he doesn’t win. He’ll never win. Show him the fighter in you. Take back your life, pretty girl.”
    His words gave me something to hold on to and made me feel like I could get through this. Tanner was

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