Vampiris Sancti: The Elf
consciousness one of the guards rattled her door while shouting at
her in Giryg that she would be dust soon enough.
    His companion
nudged him with the words, “Not this one, she smells of Old
    As if this was
an introduction, the Old World Vampire entered quietly causing the
guards to fall over themselves while bending in obeisance to their
visitor. Zyre considered the continued presence of the powerful
Vampire and realising that an intrigue was unfolding decided to
keep a close eye on the Tyro. However, she couldn’t ignore the
environment any longer as a breeze pulled at her sleeves and the
trace of a Fairy flitted across her senses. As hidden as they might
be from the other worlds magical always could see like and Zyre
knew it was not by chance this being was near. The creatures below
looked up in sudden unison as if they subconsciously recognised
they had an audience, but the Elf had already moved backwards to a
magical liaison.
    Zyre was used
to unusual encounters, Vampires, sorcerers, witches, demons, they
would materialize ablaze with agendas that sometimes burned more
than their bridges and she watched them soar or crash with equal
detachment. A Fairy was one being she wanted to avoid, dreaded
encountering, for Beb had warned of this impending communication.
Zyre led the Fairy away from the Chambers because any information
noted by a Fairy was always too much. She was aware that a Fairy
traversing the Reveal didn’t augur good news and hoped he wanted no
more than directions from her. This hope was as fleeting as it was
improbable because Fairies, the annoying bastards, always got it
right the first time.
    The Fairy gazed
at her with his cold periwinkle eyes, at least from the voice she
thought it was a male for it was hard to tell with them. Unlike the
androgynous Pixie where no one knew if they even had genders,
Fairies all looked like girls and not just similar to each other,
but flawless replicas of splendour. The male and females of the
magical realm tended to be hard to distinguish between because they
were either beautiful like Fairies and Pixies, or mud ugly like
Gnomes and Goblins. It had been often reflected that there should
be some genetic law outlawing beards on women since Gnome women
sported ones that rivalled their male counterparts. This gender
confusion left their kingdom, as was magical wont, to seek the
easiest recourse, so all Gnomes were addressed as Gnome! This was
not the same as those of the Reveal addressing all Varkja as
Varkja, for the demons had no difficulty distinguishing between
each other. This address dispelled the outside myth that the
magical world functioned on so many levels of beauty and perfection
that the male and females became parallel and indistinguishable to
the outsider. The Gnome was anything but lovely, and Elves were
always female, so it was only the Pixie and the Fairy that
confounded native and visitor alike.
    The Fairy
ignored any social niceties as there was business at hand and
travel to another world was enough of a stress without enduring the
pretence of friendship. He leaned into Zyre, which sent a chill up
her spine as nothing could be more intimidating than perfection up
close. He spoke with the clear, crisp tones of authority, which
meant this was a direct communiqué from the Elders. While she had
no intent of obeying any edict from her government she couldn’t
entirely still the alarm tingling in her mind. One could never put
the plans or influence of a Martyc, especially a prince, aside for
they manipulated everyone and everything. It was also just her luck
to escape one Martyc only to run into another occupying this world.
Though she had hoped to keep off his radar despite the wretched
Varkja trailing her, the arrival of a Fairy didn’t help.
    The Fairy
glared into her eyes and said, “There is a problem with....”
    His voice
trailed off as he became distracted by moonlight glittering on a
television aerial. Zyre waited in exasperation,

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