Twin Temptations
wouldn’t give up without a fight.
    “Of course we are going to find the cubs,” he agreed. Sam smiled until he continued, “Bella told me to help you out and to watch over you, do what I can to help the investigation along. That doesn’t explain—”
    Samantha cut him off, her mind whirling.
    “Bella told you to watch over me?” she asked, astonished. Callum seemed to notice her complete change of mood, and, surprisingly, he took it easily in stride. “Yeah, at the dinner. Just before you came up to me. Why?”

    Samantha had started to pace without even realizing it. She bit her lip and concentrated. The situation felt like too much of a coincidence—Bella suggesting Callum watch over her and Alex implicating Callum in the loss of the cubs, thus insisting she keep an eye on Callum. Alexander, of course, had known exactly how to go about piquing her interest and seeking her help with the investigation. Alexander would know very well that the twin temptations of watching over Callum and searching for the cubs would have had her undivided attention. Now knowing Bella had been telling Callum to watch over her , the chances were high her twin and his fiancée were up to something together.
    “Alexander told me almost exactly the same thing—but with a slightly different twist. Let’s look at those files. There just has to be something interesting there.”
    “What do you mean a twist?” Callum said, his voice echoing in the still evening air as she left him in Alexander’s office. She crossed over to his filing cabinet and started opening the drawers.
    “Hang on, Bella is a fiend when it comes to the filing, let me get it,” he insisted, pushing past her and gingerly sorting through the color-coded, alphabetized files. Samantha waited while Callum carefully sifted through a few manila envelopes and then pull out some sheaves of paper. Grabbing the files he offered to her, she sat cross-legged on the floor and spread the sheets out before her. Quickly, she glanced through them and began to separate them into piles.
    She didn’t notice she had blocked everything out until Callum waved a hand in front of her face, obviously trying to gain her attention.
    “…hello?” Callum’s voice penetrated her deep thoughts.
    “Sorry? I’m concentrating. Callum, look here.” She waved a few sheets of paper in her hand and smiled as he sat down next to her on the floor to look over her shoulder. Pointing to the relevant sections she had discovered, she showed him the import reports and receipts.

    “I’m not going to get anything out of you until after you’ve searched these papers, right?” Callum said as he grinned wryly back at her.
    ”Right,” she agreed distantly, her mind working quickly she began to fire off question after question, picking his brain for every last contact, every last detail he could recall.
    She pushed all of her jumbled thoughts to the back of her mind. She also courageously attempted to forget the scorchingly hot memories of make-you-beg sex. It would only detract from her attention.
    Instead, Samantha concentrated fully on doing the job she had promised her brother—clearing this mess up. After the situation was resolved, then she could allow herself to decide where exactly it was she stood with her lover.
    Chapter Eight

    Callum wearily rubbed a hand over his face. He had never seen this side of Samantha. He had seen her grumpy, wary, angry and being pushed to the erotic edge, but he had never seen just how single-minded she could be when she focused her mind on a task.
    He couldn’t help but admit privately that he found it fascinating to see this side of his woman.
    My woman.
    He had met her twice, fucked her senseless and already he felt as if they belonged together. He had scoffed when Bella had sighed and declared she had fallen in love the moment she had seen Alexander. How the very first time they made love they had both known they belonged together forever. He had thought it

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