Twist of Fate
serious? How many times have you slept with a girl in this bed, or her bed?"
    "None. I don't stay, and I certainly don't let them."
    She groaned. "Men." She grabbed my hand in the dark. "Here. Just keep your hand here, and you know, like spoon me, and you'll be fine."
    "Really?" I raised my voice. "You sound like a pro," I teased her.
    "Nah, I just want you to be comfortable, and I'm cold."
    It got really quiet for a second, but I needed to know. "So, you and Matt have done this?"
    "No. My old boyfriend's. He was a year older. He goes to Penn State. I went to a visit him a few times back in my Senior year in high school, before I realized he was cheating on me, and every one of his friends knew about it. Then freshman year there was this other guy, but I don't want to talk about him."
    "Ouch. Sorry, what a dick."
    She grabbed my arm tighter, pulling me to her. "Yeah, he was."
    "Are you going to tell me about what happened with the other one?"
    "Not tonight. Go to sleep. I'm tired."
    How this girl thought I was going to fall asleep with her perfect ass shoved up against my groin blew me away. But, somehow after talking myself down, I managed to keep my man below deflated, and passed out holding on to Paige.  
    I woke to a foot kicking the side of the bed. My vision was blurry for a second, but I managed to open one eye. Jack was standing over me. "Are you fucking serious?" He asked, in a whisper. "Matt is gonna kill you."
    Paige shifted, draping her arm across my chest. Jack was standing there with an 'you're an asshole expression' on his face.  
    I shook my head. "It's not what you think." I lifted up the blanket to show him I was fully dressed. "It was a rescue mission. What time is it?"
    "Seven. I just got in," Jack said.
    "Walk of shame, huh?"  
    He flipped me off.
    I scanned the room, looking to Tommy's side. His bed was still made, which meant the bastard didn't even come home last night. I should thank him, but at the same time, I wanted to kick ass for putting me in this situation. Didn't anyone check their phones anymore?
    The keys from Jack's hands fell on the desk, causing Paige to wake up. Her hand instantly flew off my chest like I was some pariah. Damn, if she didn't look like a fucking angel even when she woke up. She looked from Jack to me, panic streaking across her face.  
    I shook her off. "Don't worry about it. I set him straight."
    She smiled, stretched, then tossed her hair over her shoulder. She bit down on her lower lip, all pouty. "Did you sleep okay?"
    "I slept fine."
    "Are you sure?" She worried.
    "I'm positive." I wasn't lying this time. I slept like a baby.
    "I should get back to my dorm."
    "Let me drive you?"
    "You've done so much, I feel bad."
    I leaned over to kiss her forehead. "Knock it off." I wasn't sure, but I thought I saw Paige actually blush.  
    Then Jack snickered from across the room. "Bro." That's all he said, as he hopped into bed.   What the hell? Couldn't people be nice anymore? It was a totally innocent kiss. Brotherly even.
    As we started making our way out of the room, Jack rolled over. "Be quiet when you get back.   That chick didn't let me get an ounce of sleep last night.   I need to get some Zzz's."

    Chapter 8
    "Remind me why you are dating this nerd?" I blew my bangs out of my eyes, knowing I needed a haircut as I asked.
    "Because I want to. Now pass the salt and pepper?" We were sitting together in the student union having an early dinner since we both had a six o'clock class. I studied her for a few seconds, my eyes trained downward, then I took a bite of my chicken sandwich.  
    "Maybe you should wear something less revealing. You know, make him work for it. Why do you need to put it all out there?" I said, my voice straining.
    She peeked down as best as she could while sitting. "It's just a little cleavage. Would you stop being such a pain in the ass."
    "Well, I don't know." I ducked my head under the table, then sprang back up. "Maybe just change the shoes.

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