Twist of Fate
You're in college. College chicks don't wear heels. Put some chucks on or something."
    She snickered. "Why does it matter what shoes I'm wearing?"
    My head disappeared again, looking back under the table and I raised my eyebrows. "Trust me. Guys are hard wired to check out girl's, Paige. We notice everything from your smile, your hair, your skin, your cleavage. Newsflash, P, dudes look at your chest. Now, that's not to say you need to show them off, but they will notice what you're putting out there. And, those shoes make a big difference too. The only thing he'll be thinking about is you naked and digging those heels into his mattress."
    She blushed at my comment, but didn't take her eyes off of me. "So, you're finally happy that Matt and I are not dating, and the teasing stopped, but now I have another date, and you start up again. If I didn't know any better I'd say you were jealous, Ben." She was right. When her and Matt didn't work out, nothing could take that smile off my face. I hated knowing she was seeing that asshole. And, even though she never came out and said it, I knew from our little sleepover that she never slept with him. But, now I had another asshole to worry about. And, to top it off, he lived in her dorm on the third floor, and had the same major. He had access to her all the time.
    I laughed, shifting nervously so she couldn't see through me. "Sweetheart, if I wanted you, I could have you," I taunted her so she couldn't see my desire.
    "So you don't want me?" She asked, batting her eyelashes. I shook my head. "No," finally eked out of my mouth.
    She stood to move to the same side of the table as me and sat. "So, if I were to do this," her hands slowly ran up my shirt, lifting it, letting her hands continue until they rose to my shoulders. I swallowed, and I could feel a hard on coming at how close we were, and damn if those weren't the softest hands. She leaned in a little closer. Not only was I speechless, but I was frozen wondering, waiting to see what she would do next. Her mouth hovered next to my ear, "Are you sure you don't want this, Ben?" Her hand moved down to my leg, letting it run slowly from my knee to my upper thigh.
    I was rendered speechless, unable to answer her. Her lips grazed mine, so quickly, so tenderly it was like I was being transported back to being fifteen. For some bizarre reason, every heartbreak that I'd witnessed suddenly popped into my head. Instantly, my head shook back and forth to answer her question.
    "Good." She pecked her lips against mine, pulling away immediately.   "We're on the same page then. I'll date who I want, and you'll stay out of it." She smiled, and when she did, I almost told her not to stop, because I wanted to finish that kiss, but I couldn't work up the balls up to admit it.
    As she strutted away, I saw Matt glaring me down from the other side of the room like he was going to murder me, and the only thing I could think of was a damn cold shower.  

    "Move over," Ben said a few nights later. He insisted on walking me back after one of their frat parties. He kept saying something about me drinking too much, and horny guys walking all over campus. He wasn't making much sense. I was almost positive it was the last shot that did him in. The one I told him not to do.
    He pulled the blankets off of me. "C'mon move your lazy ass over. It's late. I don't feel like walking back."
    I hesitated, looking away. I wanted him to stay, but every time we got this close it made me more confused.   "P, do you trust me?
    I sighed. "You know I do."
    "What's the problem then?"
    "I just don't want people thinking that we're doing it or something. Matt said something in passing the other day."
    He twisted to look at me. "What did he say?"
    "It's nothing. He just called me a tease and he wasn't alone, so a few other guys know what happened."
    Ben rubbed his hands together, then waved me off like it was not a problem. "It'll be fine. Who gives a shit what he, or

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