Twist of Fate
just permanently shut down.
    She started to walk over to Tommy's bed, pulling back the blanket. "What are you doing?"
    She turned around, her eyebrows knitted together. "I'm going to bed."
    "You can sleep in mine. He should be home soon. I'll take the beanbag."
    Her eyes moved to the corner of the room, then back to me. "You're going to sleep on that little thing in the corner?"
    "Well, I'm not sleeping on that nasty couch downstairs."
    "Thanks!" She said. I let out a breath, as she slowly made her way over to my bed,   pulling the covers back. As her knee moved to get in, the shirt lifted, and I caught a glimpse of her barely there pink underwear, and the curve of her backside.  
    Fuck me!  
    It had been five minutes and I still couldn't get comfortable. I wasn't sure if it was because Paige was half naked in my bed, or if it was the beanbag.   I was moving around like crazy, trying to find that sweet spot when I heard her sigh. "Ben?"
    I rose up on my elbow. "What?"
    She pulled the blanket back. "We could share. I feel bad." I really, really knew I should have said absolutely not. My head was screaming at me to stay put, but once again I found that I couldn't say no to her. Besides, the fact that I wanted to sleep next to her. I was pretty sure that I was totally fine with just sleeping, and nothing else. When had I ever just slept next to a girl?
    I held my hands up. "I promise to be on my best behavior."
    She laughed softly, "Knock it off. I trust you."
    I scooted in next to her. I'd always hated this since it was a twin bed, but now I was thanking God it was so fucking small. I flipped on my side to face the floor, because I knew if I faced her, I'd be sporting a boner in no time.  
    I paused, too nervous to move from being so close to her. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all?
    "Can I ask you something?"
    I still hadn't turned. I was trying to focus on my breathing. After I gathered my composure somewhat I asked, "Sure, beautiful. What is it?"  
    She tapped my shoulder. "Would you look at me?"
    "It's dark. I can't see you anyway."
    "Please?" She begged.
    What could I do? I'd be a total prick if I said no. Even as I turned over I knew it was a colossal mistake, but my body kept moving even though my brain was telling it not to, until our noses touched. The warmth of her freshly brushed minty breath hit me immediately. And, I swore if she asked me to jump off a mountain right then, I probably would.
    "If a girl wouldn't sleep with you, would you just toss her aside? I mean, you know...not date her?"
    "What? I knew it. What the fuck did Matt do?"
    "It's just a question."
    "No, it's not." I said, pissed off.   "What? You didn't put out for that jackass, and he bolted?"
    She started to play with the ends of her hair, twirling it over and over. "I don't know. I thought I liked him, but men are..."
    I cut her off. "He's not worth it. You're better than that, Paige."
    She giggled. "You know that's rich coming from you."
    "You have quite the reputation around here. I wonder what people would say if they knew you had a soft side." I hated that she knew about my reputation. If I could open up to her, and just let her in, I'd never look at anyone else again.
    "Well, don't tell anyone," I whispered.
    I could feel her staring at me, but she turned over a minute later, and sighed. "Goodnight, Ben."
    I reached out, lightly resting my hand over her waist. "I feel like you have something you're not saying."
    She made this little huffing noise, but stayed quiet for several seconds. "Someday I'll tell you."
    "I hope you do. Goodnight, Paige."  
    I lie there for a good twenty minutes trying to figure out how to get some sleep. I could't get comfortable in this damn bed. I shifted a few times, kicking the blanket off of me.  
    Sleepily, she mumbled, "What are you doing?"
    "Shit, sorry, Paige. I thought you were asleep."
    "What's wrong?"
    "I can't get comfortable. The bed's too small."
    "Are you

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