Ugly Duckling
John. But, I've still got to get this report done before I leave'
    'Of course Liz, yes. There was something though'
    'Yes?' Liz raised her eyebrows waiting for the question
    'The other night, at your place, you took my clothes off'
    'That’s right.' Liz had a feeling she knew what he was about to ask
    'All of them' John continued
    'Did you, erm, you know'
    'Examine your penis?' Liz offered
    'Well, Yes'
    'It's quite a sufficient size I'd say, but I have to tell you, dealing with rigor mortis, as I often do, I'm used to handling something a little stiffer. Now can I get on with this report'
    John was embarrassed by the answer, he wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but it wasn’t that.
    'Right, right, I'll um, leave you to it then'
    John stood and left the office quickly, blushing as he went.

Chapter 12
    Ian had met John at the Laughing pig, they stood at the bar talking over the days events, Ian with a half of lager, John with a half of lager shandy.
    'Hey boys, got something for you' it was Phil the owner,
    'Have a look at this'
    He produced a “Billy Big Mouth singing Bass” and pushed the button, the fish sprang into action flapping its tail, wagging its head and opening and closing its mouth to a recording of “Don’t worry, be happy”.
    A girl, sat at one of the high tables just behind them, started sobbing.
    'Now look what you've done' Ian said to Phil 'you've reduced your customers to tears'
    'Don’t worry, be Happy' the song continued
    More, louder sobbing from behind.
    'Will you turn that tacky fucking thing off!' Ian snapped
    Phil turned it off, looking offended.
    'I bought this tacky fucking thing in from my lounge at home, thought it would give you a laugh'
    'Sorry Phil I didn’t mean' Ian started, but it was too late Phil Grabbed his fish and disappeared to the other side of the bar.
    'Phil, Phil! Come on mate, I didn’t mean anything' Ian followed Phil around the bar leaving John with a half of lager and a sobbing girl. He turned and walked towards her.
    'Are you ok? He didn’t mean anything'
    'It wasn’t the fish' she said 'I’ve just read this' she handed the Mail to John, on the front page was a photograph of William Broom and the headline “Local man found murdered on common”. The Media relations Office would have released the carefully vetted story to the press, making sure that all next of kin had been informed beforehand.
    'Did you know him?' John asked
    'He was my boyfriend, well, sort of, we broke up a couple of days ago' she continued to sob, tears rolling down her cheeks, John handed her a tissue.
    'J.D that’s her, the girl in the CCTV!' Ian rushed up to them.
    'I've just realised that Ian. I think we've been looking for you'
    'Me, Why?'
    'I'm Detective Inspector Dickie and this is Detective Sergeant Cripp, You may have been the last person to have seen him alive' John said
    She started to sob even more. The MRO were very careful about next of kin being informed before they read or heard it from the press, but unfortunately that courtesy couldn't extend to lovers.
    'I'm sorry you found out this way' Ian commented
    'What’s your name?'
    'Jenni Everitt' Jenni replied through the sobs
    'Did he ever mention anyone he was afraid of or any incident that made him think he was in danger?'
    'No, Nothing. He always seemed happy, up until the other night'
    'And what happened then?' John asked.
    'It was the opening night for this place, I'd arranged to meet Bill here for a drink, I thought we were going to go for a meal, but when he arrived' she started to sob again.
    'It’s alright' John put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a clean handkerchief from his pocket 'Take your time'
    'Thank you' Jenni looked John in the eye through her own tear filled eyes and blew her nose. He found himself wanting to hug her, but knew that would be completely inappropriate on all levels.
    'He told me he was married' Jenni continued 'and that he didn’t want to hurt me but he'd decided

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