Ugly Duckling

Ugly Duckling by Malcolm Allen Page A

Book: Ugly Duckling by Malcolm Allen Read Free Book Online
Authors: Malcolm Allen
Tags: Fiction, thriller, Suspense, Retail
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to try again with his wife, he said he had only started the affair with me because he knew his wife was having an affair with the man next door, but that she'd promised him that she had ended it and wanted to patch things up with Bill, he said he had to give it a try for the sake of his kids, I didn’t even know he had kids! Anyway I got upset, called him some names. I didn’t mean them, I was just angry, so I tried to apologise but he just got up and dashed off, I went after him but he just vanished, there were too many people around. I wish I'd found him, perhaps none of this would have happened if I had, I know he loved me more than his wife.'
    'How do you know that?' Ian asked
    Jenni shot him a look that, if looks could kill, would have put Ian six feet under.
    'Because if he'd been with me, he would never have had an affair with anyone else.' Jenni retorted.
    'No that’s right Jenni; Sergeant Cripp can be a bit tactless at times. Is there anything else you can tell us about that night'
    'I don’t think so Inspector Dickie'
    'Please call me John'
    Jenni half smiled 'I don’t think so John, but if I do think of anything can I call you?'
    'Yes, Please do' John handed Jenni his card, 'I'll also need your address and contact details just in case we have any further questions'
    Jenni went into her purse and gave John one of her personal cards.
    'Do you mind if I leave you now? I think I'd like to get home'
    'No, that’s ok; I think we've got enough for now. Will you be OK? Do you want me to run you anywhere? Or contact somebody to stay with you?'
    'That's very kind John, but I'll be ok and I think I'd rather be on my own tonight' and with that she got up, gave John a sweet, but tearful, smile and left the pub,  John watched, his eyes following her until the door closed behind her.
    'OH, Sergeant Cripp can be very tactless, Can I run you anywhere, would you like some help getting out of those knickers?' Ian said mimicking John.
    'What you on about?'
    'You! God if you made it any more obvious you'd have been laying on top of her with your tongue down her throat!'
    'Don’t be stupid Ian, she's upset, I was just trying to be nice, comforting. Now get me another drink, it's your round.'
    Ian went to the bar and ordered another beer and a shandy. John stood looking at the door; there was something about her, even though she was upset, she was amazingly attractive John thought. He strangely wanted her to come back through the door with some more information, just so he could talk to her a bit longer, but she didn’t return. John decided to find some more questions to ask her, just so that he could visit her tomorrow, it was something he didn't need to think about too long.
    'Anyway' Ian said returning with the beer's 'You’d better get those contact details out, I've just remembered where I've seen her before'
    'Where’s that?' John asked half heartedly
    'She was one of the reporters at the scene.'
    Perfect, thought John.

Chapter 13
    John arrived home put the T.V on but turned the volume right down and poured himself a whiskey from the new bottle he had bought on his way home and sat starring at the T.V, he took a sip from the glass.
    'Ah! That’s better' he said out loud, but to himself, there was no one else there to hear him. As he rested his glass on the table next to him he picked up a photograph of Sonia, it was taken on their last holiday together in Corfu, she looked so happy and very glamorous in those designer sunglasses he had bought for her, There was something about Jenni that reminded him of Sonia. He closed his eyes and almost instantly, as had happened many times before, the picture of Sonia laying in the morgue came into his head, he shook his head slightly but the image of her laying there remained.
    'I'm so sorry Sonia' he said
    'What for?' came the reply
    'The crash'
    'John, it wasn’t your fault, you had to work, I knew when I married you that you were a copper and everything that came with

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