Unauthorized Obsession (Unauthorized Series Book 3)

Unauthorized Obsession (Unauthorized Series Book 3) by Lisa Ladew Page B

Book: Unauthorized Obsession (Unauthorized Series Book 3) by Lisa Ladew Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Ladew
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up any other family so she had decided to head out to the prison. There were several people in the prison she needed to talk to regarding the case.
    The first one was Margaret Timmon’s boyfriend, Peter Stevens. Peter was serving the last six months of a four year sentence for three counts of burglary. Stevens had been convicted on the counts of burglary because the stolen items had been found in his car and in his house, and he had been unable to provide a satisfactory alibi during the times of the burglaries. The guard said he was a decent prisoner, never one to start trouble. He did have a bad habit of bitching about how he was innocent, but so did ninety percent of the inmates in the Worshaw prison. The difference was, when Stevens got started, he worked himself into a frenzy and frequently had to be placed in confinement until he calmed down.
    When she’d walked into the interview room, Stevens had been sitting calmly at the table, watching her closely.
    “Mr. Stevens, I would like to talk to you about your allegations that you are innocent and you were set up.”
    Stevens had leaned forward, bitterness and anger on his face. “I’ve been in this hellhole for over three years, and now someone comes to see if I'm really innocent or not! When I only got six months to go? You gonna bust me outta here early?”
    “That depends, Mr. Stevens. What kind of evidence can you provide to corroborate your statement-”
    “Evidence! I can't provide any fucking evidence. That’s your job. You're the cop!”
    “Calm down, Mr. Stevens, I am trying to help you. Just answer my questions and we’ll see where we can go from there.”
    She had asked him about Margaret and about Margaret’s stalker. He didn’t remember much and got angry at her several times for the questions. He had demanded to know why all she wanted to talk about was Margaret. Did she think Margaret was the one who had framed him? Why would Margaret do that? Aria had shaken her head and tried to deflect the questions and keep him on track. When she asked if he ever had any idea who Margaret’s stalker might have been he finally became suspicious. And when she had asked if Margaret had had any friends or past love interest that had expressed a desire to get back at him for dating her, she had seen the light bulb go off in his head.
    “That’s who did it! The same guy who was stalking Margaret! And you mean to tell me that you guys haven’t been able to find him after all this time? What kind of a McDonald’s operation are you running in Westwood Harbor? You cops couldn’t find your own asses with both hands in broad daylight!”
    After that the interview had devolved to such a point that Aria had left, knowing she wouldn’t get any more out of him. But he was tapped out; he didn’t know anything else anyway.
    Her next stop had been to see Dawn Reinold about her hair. She had to leave the men’s facility and walk across the street to the women’s facility. When Aria arrived, Dawn was waiting in an interview room, her shirt folded up to show her stomach and her arm draped casually over the back of the chair. Aria surveyed her. Her hair was still quite short, and seemed uneven on one side. Her eyes jumped in their sockets and her skin looked sallow and pale. Aria shook her head. Apparently Dawn could find drugs, even in prison.
    She had sat down and tried to interview Dawn anyway, but hadn’t come away with much. Dawn claimed she didn’t remember anything from that night but she thought her cellmate, Tita, had been the one to cut her hair off because they didn’t like each other. Aria had tried to determine Tita’s real name but had come up empty. Even asking the guards had yielded nothing. Aria wanted to speak to the guards who had been on duty that night, but the sergeant on duty couldn’t find the roster. He said he would put a request in with Human Resources to see if they had a back up, and he would get back to her.
    Aria ground her teeth in

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