Undeniable (Undeniable series)

Undeniable (Undeniable series) by Kimberly Claire Page A

Book: Undeniable (Undeniable series) by Kimberly Claire Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Claire
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as yours ,” Shiloh says and his jungle green eyes begin to flash mildly with a faint glow.
    “Then call me reckless ,” Marcus says leaning back into his chair.
    “Ms. Parker-”
    “Gemma, please call me Gemma.” I interrupt not wanting to be called that or Parker twin’s again.
    “Gemma, will you please just think about it and talk some sense into your brother ,” Shiloh says pitching the bridge of his nose.
    “I will take what you have inform ed us with into account. Is that all?” I say needing to take Marcus out of here.
    “Thank you Gemma , that is all.” He says, but what he doesn’t know is that Marcus will not be changing his mind, so neither will I.
    Exposing our necks to the pack master then Shiloh, we leave. I know that I will have to call our pack master informing him of the new findings and asking him what he thinks we should do next. He usually sides with what we think is best but not always. His advice is always appreciated.
    “I’ll call him ,” Marcus says taking the phone from me and I understand why. He doesn’t want Riley to mess things up for me again. Also I think Marcus really wants to get his point across because I really don’t mind how we are placed as long as he is by my side.
    Pulling out my kindle I research anything on fairies that I can find and I highlight things I feel are important. Growing up I only remember one story that our pack master had told us about fairies. He told us how the fairies just wanted to blend in with humans and basically be the Switzerland of the supernatural world. Not choosing a side and just letting whoever walk over them. All the other supernatural communities thought nothing of them and didn’t harm or help them in anyway. Hunters thought that the fairies were just holding back to increase their numbers and wait for their time to strike. Hunters always think the worst of anything that doesn’t include themselves. So about two hundred years ago the hunters burned their towns to the ground sparing no one.
    Marcus taps my shoulder. “Gemma what do you think of the situation .” Our pack master’s voice comes from the phones speaker.
    “I think Marcus is right and that we should go in with the first round. It will also give us the first advantage to seeing if what they say it true about the fairies ,” I say and Marcus smile victoriously to me. I give him a knowing smile back.
    “Very well I trust in you two and watch out with that pack master. If what Marcus says is true something is going on over there that shouldn’t be happening,” he warns ending the phone call.
    “That was good th inking back their Gemma. I know he would have said yes anyways, but the whole let us find out first thing was just the icing on the cake.” Marcus says doing a little jump, beyond excited. Marcus has always abhorred the idea that of sending in the young and undertrained shifter in first. We had seen many times the amount of death whenever a pack worked this way.
    I could see the pros and cons to both sides of this argument. We have seen many great warriors come out of this tactic. It was survival of the fittest and all that good stuff, but then I could see the negative side of it too. If many of those students were better trained then they could turn out to really be something and beneficial to their pack. Marcus and I could have died that night on our first mission. Thinking back on it now I wouldn’t take it back, but we were pretty young.
    I studied up, while Marcus went to look around the grounds here. I was just done high lighting when there is a knock on the door. “Marcus I gave you a key,” I say walking over to the door to open it.
    “Well I’m not Marcus ,” Shiloh says opening my door the rest of the way making himself at home.
    “Is there something I can do for you then?” I ask feel ing my temper kick in at the way he just barged in.
    “Oh I’m sure there is , but who has the time,” he says turning to look my body over. “I actually

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