Unplugged (A Portrait of a Rock Star)

Unplugged (A Portrait of a Rock Star) by J. P. Grider

Book: Unplugged (A Portrait of a Rock Star) by J. P. Grider Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. P. Grider
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance
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well, she was actually doing me a favor.  When Cameron had realized that I was as miserable as she was, she’d stopped attacking me.  But, now Mara wasn’t going to make this easy?  Wasn’t that human nature, to minimize what someone else was feeling to keep their own level of discomfort at a minimum?  But, I duly answered Mara’s question, “Yes, Mara, it is a terrible burden to live with, but I deserve it.”
    Mara only nodded.  She didn’t disagree.  Either she was really insensitive to my feelings or she understood so completely that she had to agree with me.  I truly believed the latter.  I didn’t want to talk about this anymore.  It hurt too much and I didn’t want to feel that stake twisting in my heart right now.  But, I couldn’t seem to stop.  “You know, Mara, I never told anyone this.  Of course, my mom and dad know and Crystal’s family, well they were aware, but…”
    “Excuse me, but aren’t you Tagg Holland?”  The women who interrupted were giggling like school girls, but they weren’t school girls.  They had to be close to my age.  It looked ridiculous.  Being star-struck like that, at their age was just ludicrous.  Maybe I was being insensitive, but the whole idolizing thing drove me crazy. I was no better than anyone else, worse actually, yet they treated me like I had cured Cancer.  I took a look at them and then back at Mara who was looking at me, wondering, probably, why I wasn’t answering them.  I continued gazing at Mara, but answered the women.  “Yes, I’m Tagg.”  I couldn’t take my eyes off Mara though.  Her eyes were pulling me in so deep, I felt like suddenly I was going to drown …in a pool of milk chocolate. The two middle-aged women got the hint and walked away.  
    The moment had passed.  I had begun to tell Mara my secret, but those ladies had interrupted and now the moment was lost.  I would have to tell Mara some other time.  I had just hoped the right moment would present itself again.
    We finished our lattes and drove back to my house.  I had asked Mara if she wanted to come in, but she said she had a spin class tonight and she wanted to take a nap before she had to go.  I found that amusing.  I could picture Mara napping, her small face peacefully gleaming as her mouth turned up just slightly, her eyes dancing beneath their lids while she dreamed.  I could only hope that she would dream of me.
    “Spin class, huh?  Where do you teach?”
    “At Fit Fanatics in Lake Hopatcong.  Would you like to come and take my class?”
    There was nothing I could do but laugh.  “Mara, you have got to be kidding me.  I can barely last a mile jogging, you expect me to last forty-five minutes in a Spin class?”
    “Well, of course.  You would go at your own pace.  You wouldn’t have to follow what the rest of us were doing.  There are beginners in every class I teach.  It’s a good bunch of people too.  Why don’t you give it try?”
    “Maybe I will.  But, not tonight.  Not yet.  Give me a little time to adjust to being out of the house.”
    “Sure Tagg.  But I’m going to hold you to it.”  Then she gently put her hand on my arm, just above my elbow.  “Thanks for the latte, Tagg.  I had a really nice time.”
    “I did too.  Thanks for joining me.”
    “I’ll see you Friday. And, if you go for one of your jogs, why don’t you put on a pair of sunglasses and a hat.  Maybe you’ll avoid your picture in the paper this time.”
    “Yeah, I’ll do that." I chuckled.  "See you Friday, Mara.”  I couldn’t wait until Friday.
    The next several weeks with Mara were wonderful.  Oh, of course she had kicked my fat ass, but it was starting to feel good.  The soreness in my muscles was actually a good reminder for me to stay on track.  Every time I felt an ache, or a slight pain in my arms or my legs, I knew I was working too hard to blow it on making the wrong food or beverage choice.  Each time Mara and I were finished

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