Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) by Cara Adams Page A

Book: Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) by Cara Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Adams
Tags: Romance
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credit card had been cancelled. He was actually glad of that because he had no idea where it was. Likely still in his billfold in the pocket of the last suit he’d worn.
    Raff clicked on one of the payments into his account, bringing up the details. BJP Games and Gaming, March Royalties. Fucking hell! Two thousand seven hundred dollars in a month for his little game? He scrolled down half a dozen lines and clicked again. September was three thousand one hundred. Fucking hell! He’d hit the jackpot with the game he’d invented. Thank god he’d insisted on royalties, instead of selling it outright.
    He logged out of his bank account and brought up an e-mail on the computer, typing in his old company e-mail address. Once again he didn’t expect it would work, yet it did. He sat and thought for a long time, aware his half hour time limit would be fast running out. Finally he typed a really short email to his former CEO, simply giving his new cell phone number and asking if he might speak with him.
    Raff had scarcely even left the library, was still crossing the parking lot, when his cell phone rang.
    “So, Raphael, have you finally gotten over your brain fart and are you ready to return to work here where you belong?”
    “No, sir, I really like my new job here in Ohio. I hadn’t realized my apartment would still be—”
    “I hope you haven’t given away any confidential company business.”
    “No, sir. I work in a completely different industry now. Construction.”
    Raff took a deep breath. It’d been a long time since he’d had to deal with high-powered managers, but surely he could still do it.
    “I’m planning a road trip back to New York to clear up a few loose ends. I wondered if my old desk had been cleaned out and everything thrown away, or if there was a box of possessions I needed to collect.”
    That wasn’t exactly true but it was close enough and sounded reasonably polite.
    “All your things are in a lockbox here in the basement. I thought there might be confidential material among it and didn’t want it left lying around. When are you coming? I’ll have it brought up to my office and we can have coffee together.”
    Raff was pretty sure “have coffee together” would translate into the CEO trying to get him back into the company. But to reclaim his possessions, maybe he could do that.
    “It’ll be a couple of weeks yet. I’ll email you the actual date when it’s sorted out. Thank you very much for looking after everything.”
    “Get your head on straight, boy. You belong here with us. Not in Ohio. Construction? Huh?”
    But did he really need to go back to New York? He had money in his account. He could hire a company to clean out his apartment and send him anything he really wanted. Personal documents maybe. Why go back and risk getting drawn back into the web of high pressured city life? All he wanted was here. His work with Darcy. His beautiful woman, Violet. If he went back to New York, he was stepping into the lion’s den and risked losing everything he’d gained. Wasn’t Violet far more important than a passport, birth certificate, and a few old photographs?

Chapter Five

    The next morning Darcy arrived at the farm the same time as usual, even though it was Saturday. This morning he and Raff would move the old bathtubs out into the fields while Violet was there to show them where she wanted them placed. He wasn’t too sure the tubs would be all that useful. He rather thought Raff was going to be spending a heap of time scrubbing them out and refilling them, but that wasn’t his problem. He just had to figure out how to transport them to the relevant field. He had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to drive his truck there. He and Raff would have to carry the damn things. But if it ended up with Violet agreeing to come to The Dom’s Dungeon with them both again sometime this weekend it’d all be worthwhile.
    He’d remembered her talking about a lot of weekend parties

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