Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) by Cara Adams

Book: Use Me [Dungeon Masters 5] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) by Cara Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara Adams
Tags: Romance
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tools and coffees, sanded woodwork, and swept up trash, Raff was thinking about another date with Violet. He wanted that very much. Actually, what he really wanted was her. Once upon a time he would have been a fitting partner for the beautiful woman with golden-brown hair and big blue eyes. He’d had a good job, plenty of money, and a nice apartment in an upscale neighborhood. Now, not so much.
    His truck was almost as old as he was, and certainly unfit to drive a woman around in. His apartment was not much bigger than a shoebox and definitely not in the kind of neighborhood where a woman could walk alone at night. And he lived from paycheck to paycheck, although at least working for Darcy he had enough money to pay his rent and to eat as well. Just nothing much left over to treat a woman nicely. And definitely not enough to go shopping for new clothing, which he really needed if he was to go out on dates.
    For the first time he missed his closets full of designer outfits, with the rows of shoes and boots all carefully polished and ready to wear. But all of his possessions, including a couple of rather expensive original oil paintings, would have long since been thrown in the trash and his apartment rented to someone else.
    He couldn’t even remember now when the next payment on the apartment would have been due. It was directly deducted from his bank account, an account that was likely closed from lack of activity more than a year ago, if not within months of when he’d walked out on his old life.
    Raff wasn’t sorry. Leaving that soul-destroying job was the smartest thing he’d ever done. He’d completely exhausted himself always pleasing everyone—his boss, his coworkers, the clients—working harder and harder to endlessly achieve even more than his previous best efforts. He wouldn’t have gotten his life back on track otherwise, nor would he have met Violet, the woman of his dreams. A woman he wanted to get to know a hell of a lot better. But maybe he ought to have been a little more organized about how he’d left his old life. Like packing some clothes to bring with him or—No. That was stupid. Why drag a suitcase around with him for two years just because he wanted some nicer clothing now? That was crazy thinking.
    Bringing some money with him might have been smarter, but he was too burned out to even think of that at the time. He’d simply stood up from his desk, walked out of the building, and never looked back. He’d gone to his apartment, changed into jeans, boots, and a sweater, shut the front door, and walked to the bus station. By the time he’d stopped riding buses he was in Arkansas and ready to begin his new life. A life he had no intention of giving up. But maybe he would check his old bank accounts and see if they had been closed. Even a couple of hundred dollars would be useful right now.
    He’d left his company-owned smartphone behind in New York along with everything else, and the cell phone he’d bought when he’d taken his first cowboy job in Arkansas was a really cheap one with a low data allowance, so Raff went to the city library and booked himself half an hour on one of their computers. He wasn’t even sure if he’d remember his old passwords or not. He’d been a fanatic about having a unique password for every different login he used. But as soon as he rested his fingers on the keyboard and typed in his bank’s name, the login popped into his mind. Not that he really thought the account would still be there. After all, it was very nearly two years since he’d accessed it.
    But not only was the account still there and active, it had a stunning amount of money in it. Almost holding his breath, Raff scrolled down through this accounts, noting the steady payments into his account. Every month several thousand dollars went into his bank account and the only withdrawals were the expenses on his apartment, which were all directly deducted every quarter. He noted his company platinum

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