Vampire Academy: The Ultimate Guide
do to keep themselves safe. There are simply not enough guardians available to protect everyone—some Moroi don’t even have assigned guardians, since precedence goes to those in royal families. Several suggestions are shouted out, including one that will become a major topic of debate in the future—allowing novice guardians to graduate at sixteen instead of eighteen.
    Tasha believes she has a better plan, and it’s one she’s believed in for quite some time. Moroi have their own special weapon that no one else has: their elemental magic. They should use that magic to fight with guardians against the Strigoi—even to go after the Strigoi rather than waiting till they attack.
    To demonstrate her ability to defend herself, she lights something on fire. Chaos immediately breaks out at this forbidden act—and Tasha is considered crazy for even suggesting something so extreme. Moroi consider their magic to be peaceful and it should only be used in a benevolent way. To use it in such a violent manner goes against everything they’ve been led to believe.
    With the adults up in arms over Tasha’s ill-advised display, Dimitri quickly ushers the novices out of the meeting. In the hall outside, out of earshot of her friends, Rose finally has a chance to confront him about becoming Tasha’s guardian . . . with benefits. He crisply tells her that whatever happens between him and Tasha is none of her business.
    “Well, I’m sure you guys’ll be happy together. She’s just your type, too—I know how much you like women who aren’t your own age. I mean, she’s what, six years older than you? Seven? And I’m seven years younger than you.”
    “Yes,” he said after several moments of silence. “You are. And every second this conversation goes on, you only prove how young you really are.”
    Whoa. My jaw almost hit the floor. Not even my mother punching me had hurt as badly as that.
    —pages 172–173
    Just then, Adrian strolls by, giving Rose the perfect exit opportunity. If Dimitri is going to pretend he’s too mature for her, then fine: she’ll find another hot guy.
    She turns her back on Dimitri and walks away with Adrian. When they met, Rose told Adrian she’s not into older guys, but based on the heated exchange he’s just witnessed, Adrian wonders if there’s something between her and Dimitri. Rose assures him that he’s just imagining things.
    Clearly smitten—and amused—by the beautiful Rose, Adrian offers to take her and Lissa to a special spa area of the resort, one used by the most elite Moroi. However, instead of just getting the two girls, he gets the two girls and all their friends when Rose takes the liberty to invite Mason, Mason’s best friend, Eddie, and Christian along. Adrian’s easygoing so it doesn’t bother him. Mia is also included in their group. Despite their nasty history, Lissa doesn’t want the girl to be alone now that she’s grieving the death of her mother, and Rose has to agree.
    While they all hang out in a hot tub, Mason lets it be known that he agrees wholeheartedly with Tasha’s plan to go after the Strigoi. In fact, he thinks they should start fighting now .
    Rose is suddenly the voice of reason, strangely enough, and she doesn’t think they’re ready to face Strigoi. Christian, on the other hand, stands by the idea that dhampirs should help Moroi learn to defend themselves with their magic. Mia is quick to agree with him after her personal loss.
    As this debate is raging, Rose has a few drinks— alcoholic ones. When she gets up to grab another drink, the world starts spinning. But this is Rose—when alcohol mixes with her natural killer instinct, watch out. In her drunken haze, she notices that a fight has erupted in a nearby room between two Moroi. And she’s just inebriated enough to think that jumping in is a good idea. Rose leaps between the guys to try to break things up, but when she gets caught in the crossfire, Mason is there to defend her. When

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