
Vicious by Kevin O'Brien

Book: Vicious by Kevin O'Brien Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kevin O'Brien
Tags: Fiction, General, Thrillers
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Mattie enthusiastically agreed, shaking his little fist, too.
    Susan watched the young man retreat up the pathway, toward the parking lot in front of the store. She could hear his friends talking, and the girl laughed about something. As Susan retreated toward the store’s back entrance, she heard car doors shutting and the motor starting up, and then the sound of gravel under tires.
    Inside Rosie’s Roadside Sundries, the nice woman with the Lucille Ball hair—who turned out to be Rosie herself—let Mattie run wild in the small play area. Susan picked up a few things for the weekend. Allen had probably already stocked the house with groceries and supplies. But Susan figured she ought to give Rosie her business, after they’d used her bathroom and play area.
    “I’m staying the weekend at this house on the water,” Susan told Rosie at the counter. The plump older woman was ringing up her items. “It’s—um, Twenty-two Birch Way,” Susan said. “Do you know it?”
    “Oh, yes, that’s a very nice house,” Rosie answered, momentarily distracted. She donned a pair of cat’s-eye glasses dangling from a chain around her neck to read the price sticker on a box of Ritz crackers. She kept them on while totaling up the sale. “You’ll like it there, hon. That’ll be twenty-one-oh-five.”
    Mattie didn’t want to leave the play area, but Rosie assured him he was welcome to come back and play there any time. She opened her till drawer, fished out a quarter, and handed it to Susan. “That’s for a ride on Seabiscuit outside—for my new little buddy there.”
    With a bit of prompting, Mattie thanked Rosie, and then they headed out of the store. The coin-operated pony was pretty tame, rocking Mattie very gently. Still, Susan put down her grocery bag to keep ahold of his arm while he rode the pony. Mattie squealed with delight. He’d only been on the pony for half a minute when Susan noticed a red MINI Cooper turning into the store lot. The car pulled up a few spaces away from hers and parked.
    “Gimme up, gimme up!” Mattie squealed. He must have meant giddyup .
    Susan turned to him and smiled. “Pretty fun, huh, sweetie? Yippee-eye-oh…” She glanced over toward the car once again. The driver hadn’t gotten out of the front seat yet. Susan couldn’t see him because the late afternoon sun reflected on the windshield. But then some clouds moved in front of the sun, and Susan noticed the driver, sitting alone in the car. She saw his handsome face, the dark hair parted to one side, and the rugged five o’clock shadow. He stared back at her, unsmiling.
    It was just a few fleeting seconds, and then the glare on the windshield wiped his image away. Susan could no longer see him, but she still felt his eyes on her. She remembered his cocky grin as he’d sat down next to them forty-five minutes ago. Well, you certainly have him well-trained in case you’re ever separated, he’d said. You folks are a long way from home.
    “Yippee!” Mattie sang out, kicking the toy pony’s flanks. “Gimme up! Gimme up!”
    Susan tightened her grip on his arm. “Um, honey, that’s enough for now,” she said, pulling him off the pony in midride. “We need to get a move on. Allen’s probably waiting—”
    “NOOOOOOO!” he screamed, his legs kicking in the air.
    “Enough of that,” she said firmly. Susan managed to grab her grocery bag while wrestling with him. “The pony needs to rest up. He’ll give you two rides tomorrow.” She carried Mattie to the car.
    Susan hated turning her back to the stranger in the MINI Cooper, but she had to put down her bag and strap Mattie in his booster seat. Her hands shook as she fumbled with his seat belt. All the while, she listened for a telltale click of the door handle of the car behind her. Any minute now, she expected to see a shadow creeping up on her and Mattie.
    “Okay, sweetie, fingers and toes,” Susan said, a bit out of breath. She shut his door, then glanced back at the

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