Viking Sword
village and fired it.  As it was they would have a hard time for a while but we had left them their boats and they could still fish. They still had a roof over their head.  Perhaps they would learn their lesson for if other Vikings came then this village would cease to exist. I was the last to board my ship.  We pushed off the fishing boats; the incoming tide would take then inshore but, already the young boys were hurling themselves into the surf to recapture their boats.
    "Erik, head for Lundenwic!"
    I watched my son's drekar as it headed west.  With the wind at its back it moved with the speed of an arrow. He would make good time. As we slowly headed through the night and dawn towards the coast of the land of Kent I thought about the slaves we had just taken.  I had been a slave and I had been freed. Scanlan and his family had been enslaved and now, not only were they free, Scanlan was my reeve and ran my estate. We lived in hard times and the families we left behind would learn to build walls and protect themselves from wolves such as us.  If they did not then this would happen again. As for their men, they would not be mistreated and, if they worked hard they would win their freedom.  The world was filled with many who could be enslaved as easily as we had taken these fishermen.
    The Temese was a wide river and, as dawn broke, we were able to avoid the smaller boats heading out to sea as we sailed west towards the fort.  In truth it was they who did the avoiding for we were a Viking Drekar.  As we passed many of the ships I saw the followers of the White Christ making the sign of the cross.  It made me smile as though waving a hand in the air could ward off evil. For that you needed Thor's Hammer or a treasure touched by the gods; I wore such a treasure at my side.
    We passed the old Roman fort and headed for the jetty.  We had arrived propitiously for many ships and boats had recently left and we had space to berth. Although Siggi and Trygg traded extensively here they were knarr and the drekar still inspired fear.  The people who did not live within the Roman wall hid behind their wooden doors. I knew that they would be wondering if we came for trade or for war.
    I took off my leather byrnie and, after hauling up a bucket of river water, I washed my face of the red so that I would not terrify those that I met. "Haaken, keep the warriors on board until I have met with Egbert's man.  I will just take Aiden with me."
    "Aye Dragon Heart.  It will give us time to make ourselves irresistible for these Saxon wenches."
    "Haaken! You are married!"
    He laughed, "Aye but the children I make down here will not be so demanding of my time as my own and the world needs more of my blood.  It will put poetry into the hearts of these dull Saxons."
    He was a dear friend but Haaken had a high opinion of himself and his skill as a singer."Have you coin, Aiden?"
    "Aye, Jarl."
    We had learned that using silver coins made us more welcome. Erik's boys had put the gangplank down and we headed for the gates of the town.  I noticed a few faces peering from cracks in the door as the two of us strode through the wooden buildings which proliferated around the river. Passing the sign of the barley I knew where Haaken and the others would be found later.  They had an ale wife here in Lundenwic who brewed passable ale.  It was not as good as that which we brewed but it was better than most we found on our travels.
    There were armed guards at the gate.  They wore no mail but held spears and shields with their seax in their scabbards. Without my cloak and helmet I was not recognisable.
    "You are bold, Viking, to come into our town and stride up to the fort. Do you have the death wish?"
    "I am Jarl Dragon Heart of Cyninges-tūn.  I am a friend to King Egbert."
    Those words changed the warrior and his attitude in an instant. He bobbed his head. "I am sorry, Jarl. I did not recognise you." He stood aside, "Please pass." He looked and

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