Wait for Me / Trust in Me

Wait for Me / Trust in Me by Samantha Chase

Book: Wait for Me / Trust in Me by Samantha Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: Samantha Chase
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no doubt in her mind that Lucas was attracted to her. What had she done to turn him off?
    The image of herself the night before came to mind and she groaned with disgust. Of course. She probably looked like a disaster: no makeup, morning breath, and her hair its usual mass of untamed curls.
    It was amazing there weren’t skid marks from his departure.
    It was good to know that the makeup industry wasn’t lying to her. Clearly she did need all of that crap. Rolling onto her side, Emma looked at the clock. It wasn’t even six. How often had she wished for a day just to lie in bed? Though part of her wanted to get out of the bed and yell at Lucas that, while she may not be the most beautiful woman in the world first thing in the morning, he wasn’t looking so hot either.
    Which would just be a big fat lie, and she prided herself on not being a liar.
    The man looked good enough to make her forget her own name and every other ridiculous question he’d asked her throughout the night. Unfortunately, she was in a no-win situation. With nothing left to do, Emma decided to do the only thing she could.
    Pull the blankets up over her head and pray for the day to just end.
    * * *
    Of course the day didn’t end, and Emma only managed another three hours of sleep before she forced herself out of the bed. She carefully tested her ankle and was relieved that it actually felt better. There was still no doubt in her mind that she was going to have to baby it a little, but at least she knew she would be able to get around easier today.
    Walking over to the full wall of windows, she opened the blinds and saw nothing but white in front of her. Everything was coated heavily in snow. She sighed. There was no way she was leaving Lucas’s house today, that was for sure. Thoughts of her car came to mind and she willed them away. There was no use making herself crazy over it; the car was a wreck and she’d have to get a tow truck here to get her out and then rent a car.
    With her inner pep talk complete, she went into the master bathroom and decided to indulge a little. Last night was all about freshening up; today Emma needed to relax. A sad thought at only nine thirty in the morning, but with the way her day started, she needed all the help she could get.
    Grinning at the oversized tub, she turned on the faucet and began filling it. Her body ached in general from the crash yesterday and submerging herself in the jetted tub was too good an opportunity to miss. For a minute she thought about checking with Lucas first, and then decided against it. She was going to put off being in the same room as him for as long as humanly possible.
    There was nothing around that suggested Lucas even used the tub. There were no bath salts or anything out on the vanity. So, deciding to be a little inventive, Emma reached into the shower and grabbed a bottle of shampoo and dumped some into the water to give her a mock-bubble bath. She smiled as the bubbles grew and when the water was at a decent level, she stripped off Lucas’s T-shirt and climbed in.
    And made the most unladylike groan at the pleasure the hot water and the jets were giving her.
    â€œEmma? Are you okay?” Lucas’s frantic tone came from the other side of the door and Emma couldn’t find her voice. “Emma?” He knocked and then stormed in.
    And froze.
    â€œLucas!” Emma screeched. “What the hell?”
    â€œI heard you moan and thought you hurt yourself,” he stammered, but his eyes never looked away.
    â€œI wasn’t moaning in pain,” she said, feeling rather embarrassed. “The water and the jets felt good. I didn’t realize I was that loud.” She wanted to dunk herself under the bubbles and hide until he left.
    Lucas looked like he had been punched in the gut. He didn’t move, but he didn’t say anything either.
    â€œUm, Lucas?” Emma said, breaking the silence. He finally seemed to snap out of

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