War of the Wizards

War of the Wizards by Joe Dever, Ian Page Page A

Book: War of the Wizards by Joe Dever, Ian Page Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever, Ian Page
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Magnamund, Grey Star the Wizard
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War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    The demon clings to the side of the stallion and, with a superhuman effort, you twist round and bring your Staff crashing down on its skull. The creature falls to the plain, spinning over and over again before coming to rest. Your heart lifts as you notice the growing frequency of trees and bushes dotting the land: the forest's edge is rushing towards you. The winged demons above are now unable to fly so low. The demon horde is still far behind. With a jubilant yell you enter the sanctuary of the wooded pass through the mountains and, swiftly, you dismount, wincing at the pain caused by your many cuts and bruises. The stallion is also injured and you lead the exhausted animal along the heart of the forest. Looking around furtively you eventually find a hidden clearing where you can rest for a few moments and plan the last stage of your task.
    Turn to 170 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    The pure white light of the Moonstone shines forth with a lambent glow. Bathed in the protective aura of the Moonstone, you ride on with speed. The miles are covered swiftly and the snow-white stallion maintains a tireless, unfaltering pace; you bless Samu for such an invaluable gift. At last you reach the River Dolani. The river is close to its source in the mountains and is consequently quite shallow; you are able to ford it easily. After crossing the river, you veer slightly to the northwest, towards the hills that lie southeast of Lake Tilos, where the portal of the demons of the Lissan Plain is situated. In the distance, you see a small group of figures heading towards you.
    If you wish to avoid this gathering, turn to 224 .
    If not, turn to 231 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    With a last, painful effort you hurtle through the brush and undergrowth at the edge of the forest. Using the cover of the forest you soon leave the horde struggling behind you. Stumbling with fatigue, your robe tattered and torn, your body bleeding from a dozen small wounds, you tramp through the densely packed vegetation. At last you find a hidden glade and you stop to rest for a moment.
    Turn to 170 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    With a wide, scything stroke of your Staff, the demon is slain. Its ruined body crumples to the ground, staining the grass of the plain with thick, black blood. Suddenly a razor-sharp pincer grabs your arm, raking your shoulder to inflict a bloody wound (you lose 3 ENDURANCE points). The other three demons have crept up on you while you fought. Your attacker is the smallest of the three: a grotesque creature with an impossibly bent back and a bulbous purple body, shining like the shell of some gigantic beetle. With a cacophony of triumphal screeches they throw themselves at you. You cannot evade and must fight them to the death. All three fight as one enemy.
    Three Demons of the Plain: COMBAT SKILL  20    ENDURANCE  30
    If you win the combat, turn to 251 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    A cascading arc of fire flows from your Staff to rain death on the valley below. Two demons shriek and are silent; another scurries back and forth screaming as its body burns. Terror spreads through the horde and it advances no further. You have made a wise decision. This demonstration of your power has been sufficient to hold the beasts at bay. Deduct 2 WILLPOWER points for this magical attack.
    Turn to 112 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    At the expense of 2 WILLPOWER points, you throw a beam of fiery magic into the ranks of the demon horde. A ghoulish form with three arms and grey, mottled skin falls dead, followed by a strange, birdlike creature with the body of a worm. You begin to walk down the stairs towards the rest of the horde. Flinching at the Moonstone's light they back away. The power of your incantation is beginning to fade now but you feel sure that the horde is sufficiently

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