War of the Wizards

War of the Wizards by Joe Dever, Ian Page Page B

Book: War of the Wizards by Joe Dever, Ian Page Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever, Ian Page
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Magnamund, Grey Star the Wizard
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frightened to allow you and Tanith to pass. As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you are disturbed to hear their moans of fear change to a gloating croon. They part before you to reveal a giant shadow at the far end of the hall.
    Turn to 270 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    You are given a horse and ride alongside Samu, who, like the rest of the Masbaté, does not ride. The Masbaté are too big to ride and use their Simar horses only to carry their supplies. Nevertheless, the Masbaté run like the wind and soon the River Dosar is far behind.
    When night comes, you make camp. Tomorrow, your southerly journey will take you to the Army of the Freedom Guild.
    Turn to 321 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    The horse maintains a steady, tireless pace and the miles pass by swiftly. Soon you reach the River Dolani. The river is very shallow at this point and you are able to ford it easily. Heading northwest you sight a line of demons coming towards you.
    If you possess a Potion of Invulnerability and wish to drink it, turn to 84 .
    If you do not, turn to 90 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    You decide to change direction and increase speed. Shortly your limbs feel weary and your feet begin to drag. The heat of the sun is almost unbearable. You look over your shoulder and, to your amazement, the figure has disappeared. You gaze over the featureless grassy plain: where could he be hidden? You are beginning to suffer from heat exhaustion: lose 1 ENDURANCE point. Your present course is taking you far from anywhere you want to go.
    If you wish to head in the direction of the fortress city of Shadaki, turn to 14 .
    If you wish to head south, towards the lands of the Army of the Freedom Guild, turn to 36 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    The demons seem loathe to attack but a large, hulking man-shape with wrinkled, elephantine skin summons up the courage to charge towards you. His sudden attack catches you off-guard and you are unable to evade combat.
    Man Demon: COMBAT SKILL  20    ENDURANCE  21
    If you win the combat, turn to 144 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    Frantically you grab at the armour, trying to drag it off, but the rigours of your flight from the demon host have left you too fatigued to resist the current of the water. In a few, awful moments you drown in the waters of the River Dosar.
    You have failed in your quest.

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    Tanith and Kuna rush to stand at your side. She bares a small dagger but he is unarmed. The reptilian demon hurls himself at you with a fearsome scream. You cannot evade combat as this would mean leaving Kuna and Tanith to face the pack alone.
    Reptile Demon of the Plains: COMBAT SKILL  21    ENDURANCE  22
    If you win the combat, turn to 163 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    Now that you know where the mechanism is you are able to reach out to it with the power of your mind. At the cost of 2 WILLPOWER points you are able to trigger the mechanism of the great stone doors.
    Turn to 32 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    You ponder the choices open to you. While you agree with Tanith that it would be safer to take cover behind the ridge, it pains you to see another human suffer.
    If you wish to go to the Masbaté's aid, turn to 97 .
    If you prefer to leave the man to suffer while you hide behind the ridge that overlooks the lake, turn to 116 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    Despite the seriousness of the gaping wound in its side, the loathsome creature continues to resist you. Suddenly you are thrown forward, hurled to the ground in a flurry of kicks and blows. A razor-sharp pincer bites into your shoulder and you lose 3 ENDURANCE points. The other three demons have pounced on you from behind while you fought.
    Thankfully, you have managed to retain a grip on your Staff. You must fight the four demons to

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