War of the Wizards
attention as you stand panting over the last of the fallen beasts. It is a flock of Winged Demons, and they are heading straight towards you. At your back, the yammering horde draws ever closer.
    You sprint away again, travelling as fast as you can.
    Turn to 309 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    When the spell is cast and the protection complete, you turn and face Samu. ‘I am ready,’ you say. ‘Summon your men, we must make ready to leave.’
    ‘I have a gift for you, Grey Star,’ he replies.
    Turn to 29 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    You maintain your rapid pace and sit up in the saddle. The Flying Snake alters the course of its flight with precision and dives towards you at lightning speed. As it swoops over you, it rakes your shoulder with a sharp talon before climbing back into the sky. Both the snake and the horse were travelling so fast that there was no time to use your Staff in self defence. Your shoulder starts to bleed: lose 1 ENDURANCE point.
    Turn to 42 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    With a dry swallow, you urge the white stallion down the slope and into the valley. You can feel its mighty heart thumping against its ribs, matching the speed of your own. With the Moonstone held high above your head you move through the ranks of the Demon host. Gibbering with fear, they shield their eyes from its pure, white light and back away, stumbling over one another. The sea of deformity parts like a tall swathe of grass to let you pass. Resolutely you stare ahead ignoring the hideous mass of malignancy that surrounds you; nothing must distract your gaze as you focus on the flaming archway that draws nearer with each tentative step of the stallion's hooves. Now, the moment of no return, of death or triumph, has come. You release your necromantic aura of protection and begin anew, focusing your mind on the Moonstone and on the closing of the portal. The demon horde wavers, but only for a moment: they are still spellbound by your presence and intimidated by the Moonstone.
    Illustration IV —You look upon a valley of fear crawling with the demon host.
    Turn to 112 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    The rope is attached to a large, clay bowl, brim-full of clear water. You secure the handles so that the bowl does not drop to the bottom of the well. The well must stand over the site of an underground spring, for the water is fresh.
    Turn to 25 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    You take aim once more and send a bolt of magical flame rushing towards the Flying Snake. Once more your aim is true and the creature drops dead with a shrill cry of pain. The attack has cost you 2 WILLPOWER points.
    Turn to 240 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    You raise your Staff and unleash a magical beam of fire at the toad demon, using 2 WILLPOWER points. It howls with pain and staggers back. Thick, black blood oozes from the wound you have inflicted in its side but it is not slain. It cowers before you, staring with malevolent hatred, pure evil visible in its small, red-veined eyes. With a tormented scream it vanishes and the remaining three advance on you. Suddenly Tanith's warning alerts you to something standing close behind you. You spin round, poised to strike, your staff held firmly in both hands and your body crouched in a combat stance, to see the injured demon leering down at you. It has barely completed its magical materialization when it moves to strike.
    Turn to 28 .

War of the Wizards
by Joe Dever and Ian Page
    You are just about to unleash the power of your Staff when the Flying Snake abruptly changes direction, manoeuvring into a dive. It hurtles towards you at lightning speed, inflicting a raking claw wound on your shoulder as it passes, before climbing into the air. Both the Flying Snake and the horse were travelling so fast that you were unable to retaliate. You have lost 1 ENDURANCE point.
    Turn to 42

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