Warbound: Book Three of the Grimnoir Chronicles

Warbound: Book Three of the Grimnoir Chronicles by Larry Correia Page B

Book: Warbound: Book Three of the Grimnoir Chronicles by Larry Correia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Larry Correia
Tags: Fiction, General, Historical, Fantasy, Contemporary, Paranormal, Urban
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secret government business, that sort of thing. You know how it is.”
    “Oh, I know how that is.” Francis looked to the street and lifted an arm. “Taxi!”
    “All right, all right,” Hammer lowered her voice. “Look. I know you’ve had some bad blood in the past with my new boss, but this is legitimate.”
    “I’m not in the mood, lady. I’m way past trusting your people.”
    “It was the OCI that kidnapped you, not the BI.”
    “All a bunch of letters from the same damn alphabet.”
    “And to think, they sent me to pick you up because of my positive relationship with the Grimnoir.” Hammer sighed. “I wish you could just read minds, Dan, so we could just get this over with, and you’d know I’m telling the truth. You Mouths can do that a little bit, can’t you?”
    “Sort of. I can get a sense of things, a handle on someone’s emotions, how to move them better, sort of an instinct about where they’re swayable, maybe little bits of images of thoughts that are right at the top, if I’m burning a lot of Power . . .” Dan said. “Not that I’d do that to you, of course. That wouldn’t be very gentlemanly.”
    “Of course it helps that you know I’d plug you in the knee for poking around in my head.” Hammer patted the revolver-shaped bulge beneath her floral-pattern blouse. “But we’re wasting time, so go ahead. You need to know I’m being earnest here. We need to get away from those reporters before one of them decides to take my picture. I need you to come with me now. It’s important.”
    “Very well. Just keep that Colt holstered because I like my kneecaps the way they are.” Dan closed his eyes to concentrate. He was about the best Mouth in the business, and usually he could play it so cool you would never know when he was using his magic on someone, but now Dan was obviously pushing hard, not even bothering to be subtle. Dan’s eyes popped open. “Seriously, Hammer?”
    “Serious as can be.”
    “I wish you would’ve just come out and said so. Hell . . . Get in the car, Francis.”
    “She’s legit?”
    “She’s legit.” Dan seemed upset. “Get in the car now.”

    Their destination was only minutes away, but Hammer insisted on driving around for a little bit to make sure they weren’t being followed before circling back and taking them to the White House.
    “You’ve got to be kidding,” Francis muttered.
    “Nope. Afraid not,” Hammer answered as they stopped at the gate. They were keeping it low-key now, but the Army had been handling security in the Capitol ever since the demon rampage. The soldiers at the perimeter looked at Hammer and checked her ID while other soldiers gave Francis and Dan the once-over, then they were waved right through. They were definitely expected.
    Francis had been to the White House before for social events. His father had been an ambassador and a man of considerable authority, he had uncles who’d been senators and governors, and of course, grandfather Cornelius had bought politicians like a farmer would buy pigs at auction. That said, attending a secret meeting with the president was still a little intimidating.
    “Let me do the talking,” Dan warned.
    “I won’t screw this up,” Francis answered.
    “No, you won’t, because I’m going to knock you over the head, tie you up, and hide you in the trunk,” Dan warned. “Oh, you think I’m kidding? Wipe that smile off your face. This isn’t some congressman from Podunk, North Dakota you can shout at.”
    Hammer chuckled. “Dan, I never get tired of seeing you sweat.”
    “Yuck it up, Hammer. You know damn good and well what Carr had planned for Actives in this country. You saw the evidence Faye pulled out of Mason Island. Do you think for one second Carr was alone? Do you think he was the only one in the whole government who thought the Imperium and the Soviets were off to a good start? ”
    Hammer’s smile died. She knew that Dan was right. Deep inside, every Active in the

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