Water Witch

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Book: Water Witch by Amelia Bishop Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amelia Bishop
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    “Guess I wasn’t cut out for life in the desert.” I smiled back.
    We ordered dinner and I told him the whole story about Scott, and even my weird interactions with Salil.
    “So you’re thinking of asking for this Fae’s help with your skills, now? Do you trust him?”
    I blew out a deep breath and leaned back in the booth. “I don’t know. I can’t stop thinking about him. And I know I should be afraid of him, or pissed, but I just… I don’t know. If I’m going to see him anyway, I might as well get some use out of him.”
    “Man, listen to you, you’re not even making sense!” He raised his chin and squinted at me. “You like him.”
    “Forget it. Let’s talk about you. How’s the construction business?”
    He laughed and shook his head, but accepted the change in subject. I listened to how he was trying to get his father to hand over more of the management of their family business to him, and agreed he was totally ready to do more than just oversee work sites and order lumber.
    When we’d overstayed our welcome at the diner, we split the bill. We took his car to the town beach and sat on a bench in the deserted pavilion to talk some more.
    I watched a young couple walk along the edge of the water. “So, what else is going on, besides the work stuff? You seeing anyone?”
    Maxwell had never had a steady girlfriend, though he was pretty popular with all the girls in the coven. He said he’d never felt anything serious for anyone, and always joked that he didn’t want to break any hearts.
    “Hmm, holding out on me, huh?”
    “Naw, nothing serious. But my mother keeps trying to set me up on a date with someone, said she wanted me to keep this girl in mind, in case I never make a love match.”
    “Anyone I know?”
    “Yeah, that’s the weird part…it’s Myra.”
    “Myra? And your mom wants this? Have you ever even talked to her?” Myra was a member of our coven. She seemed nice enough, but had always kept to herself, was almost painfully shy. Why Rachelle would suggest Myra as a match for her son was beyond me.
    “Nope.” His gaze held mine and I heard the unspoken request. I held out my hand. He took a quick look up and down the beach before placing his palm into mine. I could direct my visions fairly well if I had something to focus on. I probably could have done a good vision for Maxwell even without holding his hand, I knew him so well, but this made it foolproof.
    I closed my eyes and thought of Myra and Maxwell, and tried to get any glimpse into their future. The only picture that came to me was a couple, wrapped in each other’s arms, laughing. A feeling of happiness filled me, total joy and comfort. The man’s laugh was definitely Maxwell’s, the woman seemed like Myra, but I hadn’t ever heard her laugh that I remembered. I opened my eyes and released his work-callused hand. “I saw you happy with her. Really happy. I think you should give it a shot at least.”
    He exhaled like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. “Really? You’re sure?”
    “As sure as I can be, you know how these things go. It looked like her, and I felt your love.”
    He smiled and nodded, his expression still one of happy shock. “Cool.”
    “What made your mom pick Myra, anyway?”
    “I guess someone from Myra’s family suggested it, they’ve got a witch with the foresight in their line. And since I’ve never seriously dated anyone, my mom said I could at least go on a date with her and see if we hit it off, but I was stalling.”
    I laughed at him and slapped his back. “Idiot. What were you afraid of?”
    He just shook his head and laughed with me.
    Back at my car, he clasped me in a loose hug again. “Thanks for the vision, man. You really set my mind at ease.”
    “Anytime, you know that. You have to go?” He obviously did, but I didn’t really want the night to end. Going home meant a dream meeting with Salil, and my feelings about that were

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