What a Westmoreland Wants

What a Westmoreland Wants by Brenda Jackson

Book: What a Westmoreland Wants by Brenda Jackson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brenda Jackson
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Contemporary
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short while,” he added.
    “Please don’t tell me you’re going back over there.”
    “Yes, I am.”
    “When are you coming home for good?” Meredith pouted, her thin lips exuding disappointment.
    Gemma looked up at Callum, a questioning look in her eyes. Was this the woman waiting for him that he told her didn’t exist? He met her gaze and as if he read the question lingering there, he pulled her even closer to his side. “I’m not sure. I kind of like it over there. As you know, Mom is an American, so I’m fortunate to have family on both continents.”
    “Yes, but your home is here.”
    He smiled as he glanced down at Gemma. He then looked back at Meredith. “Home is where the heart is.”
    The woman then turned a cold, frosty gaze on Gemma. “And he brought you back with him.”
    Before Gemma could respond, Callum spoke up. “Yes, I brought her back with me to meet my parents.”
    Gemma knew the significance of that statement, even if it was a lie. To say he had brought her home to meet his parents meant there was a special relationship between them. In truth, that wasn’t the case but for some reason he didn’t want Meredith to know that, and in a way she didn’t want Meredith to know it, either.
    “Well, I see my friends have arrived now,” she said in a cutting tone. “Gemma, I hope you enjoy your timehere in Sydney and, Callum, I’ll talk to you later.” The woman then beat a hasty retreat.
    With his hand on her arm, Callum steered Gemma toward the elevator. Once they were alone inside the elevator, Gemma spoke. “Why did you want Meredith to assume we were an item?”
    He smiled down at her. “Do you have a problem with that?”
    Gemma shook her head. “No, but why?”
    He stared at her for a few moments, opened his mouth to say something, then closed it. He seemed to think for a minute. “Just because.”
    She lifted a brow. “Just because?”
    “Yes, just because.”
    She frowned up at him. “I’d like more of a reason than that, Callum. Is Meredith one of your former girlfriends?”
    “Not officially. And before you assume the worst about me, I never gave her a reason to think anything between us was official or otherwise. I never led her on. She knew where she stood with me and I with her.”
    So it was one of those kinds of relationships, Gemma mused. The kind her brothers were notorious for. The kind that left the woman broken down and broken-hearted.
    “And before you start feeling all indignant on Meredith’s behalf, don’t waste your time. Her first choice of the Austells was my brother, Colin. They dated for a few years and one day he walked in and found her in bed with another man.”
    “Oh.” Gemma hadn’t liked the woman from the first, and now she liked her even less.
    The elevator stopped. They stepped off and Callum turned to her and placed his hand on her arm so she wouldn’t go any farther. She hadn’t expected the move and sensations escalated up her rib cage from his touch.
    “I want to leave you with something to think about, Gemma,” he said in that voice she loved hearing.
    “I know that watching your brothers and cousins operate with girls has colored your opinion of men in general. I think it’s sad that their exploits have left a negative impression on you and I regret that. I won’t speak for your brothers, because they can do that for themselves, but I can speak for myself. I’d never intentionally hurt any woman. It’s my belief that I have a soul mate out there somewhere.”
    She lifted a brow. “A soul mate?”
    Gemma couldn’t help but wonder if such a thing really existed. She would be the first to admit that her cousin Dillon’s first wife hadn’t blended in well with the family, nor had she been willing to make any sacrifices for the man she loved. With his current wife, Pam, it was a different story. From the moment the family had met Pam, they’d known she was a godsend. The same thing held true for Chloe.

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