When the Chips Are Down

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Book: When the Chips Are Down by Anne Rasico Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Rasico
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it say?!” Brooklyn cried after glancing over at him more than a dozen times.
    “Eldridge was investigating the microchip alright. There’s a lot I haven’t read yet, but he observed the behavior of a group of one hundred test subjects both before and after the microchip was installed. His subjects included men and women of different races and backgrounds. Almost all of them showed a marked difference in behavior after their microchips were implanted. Only a small percentage of them weren’t affected. He also dissected the chip to see how it works, and he found a component that was not used as a homing device or to store personal information. His hypothesis was that this component sent signals to the frontal lobe of the brain, affecting motivation and personality,” Zane explained.
    “So that’s why everyone is acting so weird,” Brooklyn said, turning the TV off.
    “Everything I’ve read so far sup ports his hypothesis,” Zane added. 
    “There have to be some chips that lack the extra component.  If we are the puppets, who are the puppeteers?” Trent mused. 
    “Right, if the goal is to control people, someone has to be doing the controlling,” Brooklyn agreed.
    “Well, the heads of the government are definitely pulling the strings.  The entire department of Homeland Security is behind this,” Zane said. 
    “Lars told me that a company called ICS controls the chips now.  He said the military was using the chips on soldiers before the bill was even passed.  Do you think the police are being mind controlled too?” Brooklyn wanted to know.
    “The lower ranking military officers for sure have the component in their chips.  The military doesn’t tell them anything.  They would want nothing more than robots with guns, and the same thing goes for the police.  That’s exactly what they need to help them take over the world!” Zane said. 
    “Do you think wor ld domination is the ultimate goal?  That would explain why your brothers suddenly joined the Army,” Trent deduced.
    “From what Lars told me, it definitely is.  He said the government plans to use biological warfare to take over the world,” Brooklyn said. 
    “You’ve been talking to Lars about world domination? Consider your source,” Trent retorted.
    “Lars is a lot more knowledgeable than you think and he was in the military,” Brooklyn replied.
    “I definitely think world domination is one of their goals,” Zane injected. 
    “Mind control is a powerful and useful tool.  If the government decides that the world is overpopulated, which I think they already have, what is to stop them from telling everyone t o march off a cliff?  If the masses are dead, the greedy minority gets everything,” Trent said.  
    “Do you really think they have that much power over our basic will to live??!” Brooklyn asked in astonishment. 
    “You haven’t seen w hat the chip has done to people. The government wants everyone’s mind clouded so they don't pay attention to what is going on around them. It's like the time I took too much cold medicine and went to work. I could still do my job because it's easy to do something you've done repeatedly, but I was too doped up to think about anything else. I think that's how it is for these people with microchips inside them.
    When the bill was first passed, they made everyone get their chips implanted by order of their birthdate.  People born in January went first, then February, and so on.  I had an advantage by having a November birthday, because I got to see what was happening to everyone.  When some of my friends and coworkers starting getting their chips, I saw them completely transform. These brilliant, intellectual people who loved to talk politics and philosophy had little more to say than ‘hello’ and ‘how's the weather?’ It was as Lars described-‘no opinions and no feelings.’  That's when I knew something terrible was going on.  I believe that

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