When the Chips Are Down

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Book: When the Chips Are Down by Anne Rasico Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Rasico
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once they have that chip in you, they can do whatever the hell they want to you,” Trent said wide eyed.
    “I had similar experiences.  I was born in December,” Zane injected, “My friend, Aaron from work was the first person I knew who got chipped.  Genius ran in his family.  His uncle used to work for NASA and his dad was a Biologist who received a Nobel Peace Prize for the advancements he made to science.  Aaron was every bit as gifted as his family.  I guess the government saw him as a particular threat because after he got his chip, he didn’t even know who the hell I was, and I ate lunch with the guy every day!  Caleb was next in line to be chipped and he was flipping out about it, not that I blamed him.  He said he’d live on the street before he’d let them turn him into a zombie. Soon after that he told us he knew someone in Montana that wanted to sell his farmhouse and leave the country.  We really felt we had no other choice.”
    “I wonder what’s on that flash,” Brooklyn said, staring at the envelope.
    “He probably video taped his experimentation. The data is encrypted.  It’s going to take some time to decode, so we won’t find out until later,” Zane said, pointing to his laptop, which was plugged into a charger in the corner of the room.
    “Let me read it,” Brooklyn demanded, holding her hand out.
    “Later,” Zane said. Brooklyn glared at him.
    “I found it,” she snapped.
    “Yes, and you did a wonderful job,” Zane replied, not taking his eyes off of the spiral bound book.
    Brooklyn marched to the bathroom to take a shower.
    Caleb was startled awake the next morning by the sound of someone banging on the front door.  He sleepily climbed out of bed, rubbed his eyes, and staggered toward the door.  He was surprised and confused to see Lars standing on the foyer.  “Lars, what are you doing here, man?” Caleb asked groggily.  He pushed his shaggy red hair out of his face as he tried to fully awaken. 
    “I’ve got to talk to you, brother,” Lars said, barging through the front door and into the living room. 
    “Well, come on in,” Caleb muttered sarcastically as he shut the door. 
    “Zane is in a lot of trouble.  I don’t know where he is right now, but I hope he knows what he’s doing. I was watching the news this morning and he and two unknown accomplices are wanted by the cops for breaking and entering in Boise,” Lars said, frantically pacing.
    “What!” Caleb cried. 
    “He can’t get caught, brother.  There’s no telling what they’ll do to him!” Lars exclaimed as he stopped pacing.
    “Okay, calm down, man,” Caleb responded, half in disbelief, “Since when do you watch TV anyway?” 
    “Marcus and I were gathering resources this morning, and we watched the news on our new portable TV.  I like to keep myself informed on the latest injustices of our government,” Lars said.  “Gathering resources” was the term Lars used for stealing from someone’s house while they were out of town. 
    “How long have they been gone ?” Lars wanted to know. 
    “Since yesterday . I knew going to Boise was a bad idea,” Caleb replied.
    Trent and Brooklyn awoke to find Zane asleep with Eldridge’s book open in front of him. His glasses were still on his face. “What time is it?” Brooklyn asked stretching.
    “It’s free continental breakfast time,” Trent said happily.
    “Yay! Food we don’t have to make ourselves,” Brooklyn exclaimed. “Should we wake Sleeping Beauty?” she asked, still irritated with him.
    “No, we’ll bring him back a plate,” Trent said. They threw on their clothes and ran downstairs to the breakfast room.
    “Zane, wake up man. We brought you some scrambled eggs and biscuits,” Trent said when they had returned.
    “Cool,” Zane said groggily.
    “ Any messages?” Brooklyn asked when she saw Trent checking his phone. 
    “Caleb called five times while we were at breakfast. I don’t

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