Who Gets the Friends?

Who Gets the Friends? by Tim Smith Page A

Book: Who Gets the Friends? by Tim Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Smith
Tags: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
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made love to me like a sailor coming off six months of sea duty.”
    He paused. “Yeah, it has. Thanks for reminding me that I still know how.”
    She planted wet kisses on his cheek, then whispered. “How could any woman let something like that get away?”
    “Because it didn’t earn six figures and have a membership at the country club,” Tom quipped.
    She gave him a curious look. “That’s the kind of relationship you got out of?”
    Tom hesitated. “Forget I said that.”
    “It’s okay, lover. We all have people like that in our past.” She laughed softly. “She’s gonna be so pissed when she hears what she passed up.”
    Tom suddenly felt uneasy. “You aren’t going to tell her, are you? I have to face her at the office.”
    Rashida ran her fingers along his cheek. “Just enough to make her wonder what she missed out on. Think we could do this again sometime?”
    Tom kissed her. “I’m sure we could.”

Chapter Seven
    Jessica set her tray on the table in the hospital cafeteria, then took her seat. She sipped her coffee and looked at the not-very-appetizing food she had chosen. Processed turkey roll and warmed-over sweet potatoes left over from what they served the patients. The lime Jello adds color, though.
    She took a small bite of food and chased it with coffee. It was Thanksgiving and she found herself thinking about her family. She smiled wistfully as thoughts of holidays past flooded her memory. The smell of turkey and fresh bread coming from the kitchen, everyone visiting, laughing, catching up on things. Why did I volunteer to work today? Was I really afraid of being alone?
    Jessica’s thoughts had been pre-occupied with Tom the past few days and she couldn’t get her blunder out of her mind. How can I get back in his good graces and convince him that I’d really like to get to know him better? He won’t return my calls. He might not be someone I’d like to see on a regular basis, but I’d like to at least find out. The smile returned. He really is a good kisser and he didn’t push things the other night. He’s really nice, too, something I don’t get from most of the men I’ve been out with since my divorce. I think most of them have forgotten basic manners, but not Tom. Who am I kidding? After what I did, he’s probably on to the next encounter. I wouldn’t waste time on me, either, after that.
    She looked up when she saw a man approaching her table, offering a big smile. Her eyes did a quick scan out of habit, taking in his cream-colored nurse’s aide uniform and trim physique. Jessica muffled a groan and felt her spirits sink. Hank Mobley, one of my ex-husband’s buds. Five years since we’ve been divorced and he still never misses an opportunity to come on to me. Same thing he did after the divorce.
    “Hi, Jessica,” he began. “Didn’t expect to see you here today.”
    She pasted a smile on her face. “Hello, Hank.”
    He took a seat, set his coffee on the table, then gestured at her plate. “Guess you wouldn’t recommend the holiday special, huh?”
    “I’m not very hungry.”
    He sipped his coffee. “I’m glad I ran into you. Do you have anything planned Saturday night?”
    Jessica took a calming breath. Here we go again. “Actually, I do.”
    “That’s too bad. I scored a coupla tickets for the hockey game and thought you’d like to go.”
    If he was the least bit aware, he’d know how much I detest hockey . “Sounds like fun, but I already have plans.”
    He nodded. “I understand. Maybe we could get together for a drink after work some time.”
    Jessica took a long swallow of water. And as soon as we did, you’d be calling my ex to brag about it. Might as well be direct. “No, I don’t think so, but thanks for the offer.”
    He gave her a curious look. “Hey, come on, Jessica, it’s me, Hank. We’ve known each other a long time. I never figured you for the big freeze.”
    Jessica felt her blood pressure

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