Who Gets the Friends?

Who Gets the Friends? by Tim Smith Page B

Book: Who Gets the Friends? by Tim Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tim Smith
Tags: Contemporary, Erotic Romance
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rising. “Just what did you figure me for, Hank? An easy lay? Maybe you heard about what happened to my last boyfriend and thought I was just waiting for someone like you to sweep me off my feet?”
    He raised his hands in defense. “Whoa, wait a minute. Where’s all the hostility coming from?”
    “The ink wasn’t even dry on my divorce when you started calling me. I was your best friend’s wife, for crying out loud. Did you secretly lust after me while John and I were married?”
    He gave an uneasy laugh and avoided eye contact. “Well, I suppose…”
    “I’ll take that for a yes. I also know how you like to brag about your conquests, but you won’t be adding my name to your list.”
    “Aw, come on, that’s just talk. You know, guy stuff.”
    “Hank, you have a lot to learn about sensitivity. I don’t want to be rude, but I told you before that I wasn’t interested and I’m still not.”
    Hank stood and retrieved his cup. “Sorry, Jessica. Didn’t mean to upset you. See you around.”
    She finished her water. I don’t know what made me go off on him like that. Actually, I do. I want to give Tom another chance. Maybe it’s time to call in some help.
    She took out her cell phone and punched in a number. “Hello, Peggy? It’s Jessica. I need a favor.”
    * * * *
    The Sunday after Thanksgiving found Tom home alone, contemplating the upcoming holiday season. He had survived the big dinner with his family, deftly deflecting the well-intentioned homilies and sage advice from brothers, sisters and in-laws who clearly didn’t have a clue what he was going through. Black Friday came and went without so much as a thought of visiting a retail establishment. Tom used the time instead to ponder recent events.
    Much of that pondering revolved around Jessica Mays. Tom hadn’t called her since their disastrous first date. He had wanted to, but came up short on things to say. How would I start a conversation—Hi, Jessica, it’s Tom. You know, the guy you renamed Brad?
    He had maintained contact with Rashida after their hot motel romp, but hadn’t asked her out yet. He smiled at the recollection of their encounter. I’ve been with passionate women before, but she took it to a whole new level. I wonder what it would be like to make love to Jessica? Looks like I’ll have to keep wondering.
    He answered the phone.
    “Hey, it’s Doug. Catch you at a bad time?”
    “No, I’m good. What’s up?”
    “I wanted to extend an invitation to go to dinner at The Oakwood Club tonight with me and Peg.”
    “I don’t know, Doug. Three’s a crowd.”
    “Come on, you need to get out of the dumps.”
    “Why do you say that?”
    “Because you’ve been in a blue funk all week. What better place to cure that than a restaurant that overcharges for the best steaks in town?”
    Tom chuckled. “Helluva sales pitch. What time?”
    “Six. We’ll meet you in the bar.”
    He hung up, then retrieved his cup of coffee. Man, I must be pathetic if my best friend and his girlfriend are inviting me to dinner.
    Tom picked up the Sunday paper and idly scanned it, not really absorbing anything. When things started going badly between me and my ex I couldn’t wait to get back out on my own. Now that I’m here it’s like I can’t stand the loneliness. How did I cope with it before I got married? It’s been so long I can’t remember.
    He tossed the paper aside, then drank some coffee. Time to take stock of things. I’m meeting some new people and trying to make the best of my situation, but maybe I thought it would go faster and easier. Jessica seemed like a good match but did I fall into a rebound situation with her? I know that’s what happens when you get out of a bad relationship, and it’s so easy to be attracted to the first woman who shows interest. Perhaps Rashida was right—close relationships do tend to screw up your life, not to mention friendships. Still…

    Tom occupied a stool in The Oakwood

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