Wishing Lake
her hands on the desk. “I’m going to task a committee with raising money for the center’s renovations.”
    Nessa perked up at this revelation. “That’s a wonderful idea, Mayor McCloud.”
    Christopher and the other two council members echoed their support.
    Council President CeCe Roben spoke over them. “Mayor, what type of fundraiser were you thinking of?”
    Ramona shrugged a slim shoulder. “I’m going to leave that decision to the people in charge of the event.”
    CeCe ran her long, pale fingers through her auburn hair. “I’m concerned, Mayor, that after the Founders Day event, the town might be burned out on celebrations.”
    Ramona frowned. “I’m surprised to hear you say that, Madame President. After all, this is Trinity Falls. We love a good party.”
    The audience again erupted into applause. Darius smiled as he transcribed the exchange. Doreen was well regarded and would make an excellent mayor. But the town was going to miss their more flamboyant leader.
    Nessa raised her voice as the cheers died down. “Well, I for one think it’s an excellent idea, Mayor. You’re leaving behind some very big shoes to fill. I hope our next mayor is as tireless, dedicated, and creative as you are.”
    Ramona smiled in response. But there was a chill in her voice as well as her expression. “Oh, I’m certain the woman the town will elect as my successor will be more than up to the task.”
    Darius took that as a direct quote for The Trinity Falls Monitor article.
    Saturday morning, the first of November, Peyton indulged in breakfast at Books & Bakery. Her seat beside the café window was chilly, but the view was worth the discomfort. The trees lining the streets led her gaze into the nearby neighborhood and the profusion of vibrant autumn colors.
    She opened her copy of The Trinity Falls Monitor before digging into her breakfast—spinach quiche, fruit, and coffee. Even this far from the café’s kitchen, she could smell the fresh bread, confectioner’s sugar, and homemade soups.
    The sound of heels crossing the hardwood floor toward her made her look up. Ramona floated toward her like a runway model on the catwalk. Her tall, slender figure was clothed in a scarlet knee-length sweater dress. Black stiletto boots made her legs look even longer. Her glossy, shoulder-length raven tresses billowed with every step. With her wide ebony eyes and café-au-lait complexion, Ramona reminded Peyton of a young Dorothy Dandridge. She was the type of woman Irene Biery Harris could envision marrying Peyton’s soon-to-be-ex-fiancé, Bruce Grave. Beside Ramona, Peyton must appear as a vertically challenged, mousy shadow.
    “May I join you?” Ramona braced her left hand on the back of the chair opposite Peyton. Her right hand held a white porcelain cup of coffee.
    Peyton glanced toward the front of the café where Ramona usually shared breakfast with her friends. Jackson, Audra, Ean, Megan, Darius, and Doreen were at the counter.
    “Please do.” Peyton pulled her gaze from Darius’s broad shoulders wrapped in an emerald-green sweater.
    She was having breakfast with the mayor. At fifteen hundred residents, Trinity Falls wasn’t in the same stratosphere as New York City. Still, she marveled the town’s mayor knew who she was and sought her company.
    “What did you think of our council meeting?” Ramona crossed her long dancer’s legs and settled back on her chair.
    “I enjoyed it.” Peyton cut another slice of her spinach quiche with a fork.
    “We’re not as exciting as New York City.” A slight smile curved Ramona’s pink lips.
    “I wouldn’t know. I didn’t attend city council meetings.”
    “I used to live in New York.” Ramona sipped her coffee.
    “You did?” Peyton almost choked on her quiche.
    Although she knew Ramona planned to join her boyfriend, Dr. Quincy Spates, in Philadelphia in the new year, Peyton couldn’t imagine the mayor living anywhere other than Trinity Falls, Ohio. This was her

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