Wolf Tales II
He intended to once more exert his dominance over Stefan. Though Anton’s intentions were for the good of the pack, Xandi understood his personal desire for power as well.
    She kissed Stefan’s lips, wrapped her arms around his body, sensed the knowledge in his heart. Felt his strength, his resolve.
    Then she shared Anton’s intentions with the man she loved.
    He already knew. Xandi understood the quiet nod of his head, accepted his intentions. Stefan knew what Anton wanted, what the wizard expected. She understood the confident look on his face -- he had no fear of Anton, now. Knowledge gave him power.
    * * *
    Xandi dressed carefully for their evening meal with Anton. She’d never dressed for seduction, before. Not really. Of course, if what Anton said were true about the Alpha female during menses, she wouldn’t need seduction. She would merely need to attend.
    She chose a simple, sleeveless, dark green dress with a scoop neck and fitted bodice that emphasized her breasts. The slim, form-fitting skirt hugged the curved line of her hips and ended just above her knees. She decided against wearing a bra, but she did pull on a skimpy pair of bikini panties, not far removed from a thong.
    She had no need of a pad or anything to protect her clothing. The metamorphosis over the past week had been complete. Her period this time was totally unlike anything she’d experienced before, when fully human. Other than the first tiny show of blood when she and Stefan made love, there’d been no other spotting of any kind, just as Anton had predicted.
    There was however, a subtle, musky scent on her body, one she’d never noticed before. She knew Stefan was well aware of it. When he was close, it was obviously all he could do to control his hands. His nostrils flared each time she walked by. She felt his desire burning hot and ready beneath his skin, knew he was drawn to her as much by her scent as the emotional feelings he already had for her.
    Her body thrummed with sensual urges. Her skin felt ultra-sensitive. She was aware of the simple movement of air across her bare arms, the heat from the lamp near the bed. Her hearing was super acute so that Stefan’s heartbeat echoed in her ears and she was almost certain she heard the whoosh of blood through his veins. The air around her seemed to crackle with energy, but she was unaware whether it originated from Stefan or her.
    He wore simple black slacks and a white, long-sleeved shirt with the sleeves rolled back to his forearms. His black and silver hair was long, like Anton’s, and he’d pulled it behind his head and tied it with a band just above his collar. She wanted to tug the restraining band loose, let his hair flow free around his face. She wanted to feel it brushing across her breasts, tickling her sensitive flesh over her ribs, tangling with her own russet thatch of hair at the apex of her thighs.
    Xandi glanced at the clock, though her senses had become so acute she knew they were running early. Oliver hadn’t even started the grill. She would have smelled the gas flame, though the kitchen and patio were on the far side of the house from their room. Tilting her head, she winked at Stefan.
    He cocked one eyebrow, then opened both eyes wide as she slipped to her knees in front of him and brushed her knuckles across the fly of his slacks.
    The fabric immediately bulged outward.
    “Uhm, Xandi… don’t we need to get down to the dining room? Aren’t you hungry yet?”
    “Oh yeah,” she whispered, “I’m real hungry.” She leaned closer and blew a hot draft of breath against the fabric, then reached up and undid just the zipper on his slacks. No underwear. Grinning, she slipped her fingers in through the opening and wrapped them around the solid length of his cock.
    His very human cock. She hadn’t been able to take him in her mouth until now, not with the risk of his huge cock choking her when the canine knot formed. Now though… now he was totally human, his penis,

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