Wolf Tales V
cabby pulled over to the side of the road near the tollbooth. Stefan opened the rear door. Keisha raced out of the shadows and crawled into the back seat of the cab, climbing right over Stefan’s lap.
    Anton quickly slipped his coat over her shoulders, then leaned forward. He handed the cab driver four one hundred dollar bills. “Drop us off at the far end of the bridge, and thanks.”
    Shoving the bills into his back pocket, the cabby pulled back onto the road. Anton thought he spent much too long looking in his rearview mirror.
    Poor guy is gonna wonder about this odd group forever ! Keisha snuggled close to Anton.
    He didn’t answer. He couldn’t. She felt too damned good in his arms, so warm and alive. So safe. Anton glanced over the top of her head and smiled grimly at Stefan. “We’ll get Alexandria back.”
    Stefan merely nodded. Obviously he was still linked with his mate.
    Wrapped in Stefan’s loving thoughts, Xandi felt her racing heart calm and her panic subside as she sensed her pack mates growing closer. She still wasn’t certain what Burns was planning. He’d left her in the car, hands cuffed to the steering wheel, rope tied tightly around her neck. The car was just outside the regular parking lot, close up against the side of a hill.
    Car lights flashed nearby on the freeway.
    Xandi pressed on the horn and Stefan’s laughter echoed in her mind. His mind immediately touched hers. Where the hell is the jerk ?
    Xandi took a deep, steadying breath. I don’t know, but I imagine I’m bait and he’s nearby with a camera .
    All he’s gonna get is a shot of a really pissed off human adult male hauling your sweet ass out of his car. The police should be right behind us. Hang on, sweetheart !
    Whatever you do, don’t shift. I mean it, Stefan! He’s already got a shot of Keisha in wolf form. We have to get his camera .
    Suddenly Stefan was beside her, tall and strong and so beautiful he took her breath. He kissed her hard and removed the noose from around her neck. Then he threw his jacket over her body. Shift, pull your hands free of the cuffs, then shift back .
    It was all so simple. Xandi’s paws slipped out of the cuffs beneath the coat and she immediately regained her human form. She was free, wrapped in Stefan’s arms, and he was pulling her out of the car, taking her to safety.
    Where are Anton and Keisha ?
    Taking care of the camera .
    A scream nearby filled the night. Snarls and yelps. Something heavy raced ahead of them through the thick brush. Moments later, Xandi spotted a man running along the pedestrian access to the bridge.
    A howl, long and low, then another.
    “Sounds like they got it.”
    “What are they doing to him?”
    “Making sure he doesn’t take any more pictures or plan any more assaults.”
    Flashing lights suddenly appeared near the southern end of the bridge. Xandi and Stefan watched from an outcropping at the opposite end.
    What could have been two large dogs chased a man along the narrow walkway, then quickly stopped when he crawled up on top of the railing to escape them. One leapt for his camera bag, barely missing the strap.
    The man balanced for a moment on the edge of the railing, his body outlined by the harsh bridge lighting, arms flailing, the camera bag swinging from one hand. Suddenly the heavy bag seemed to pull him off center and he tumbled, almost in slow motion, falling end over end from the center of the span.
    The animals watched briefly then turned and raced back along the walkway. They disappeared into a small construction area just beneath the bridge abutment.
    Moments later, Anton ran across the road with Keisha’s hand tightly clasped in his. He wore his slacks and a white dress shirt. Keisha had on his suit coat, but her legs and feet were bare and bleeding.
    Xandi was caught in a full-body hug when the police finally pulled into the parking area.

    Chapter Nine
    The sun had barely breached the horizon by the time Stefan finished

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