Wolf Tales V
his shower and crawled into Keisha’s big bed to join his pack mates. He wrapped Xandi in his arms and held her tightly, much too aware how close he’d come to losing her.
    “Interrogations aren’t all that bad when you can link.”
    Anton’s wry comment made Stefan smile. “I think the police bought the idea the man was nuts, that he was fixated on Keisha and his weird idea she was a werewolf.”
    Keisha sighed. “Thank goodness Anton found the video camera. I can’t believe Burns actually filmed me shifting right here on my back porch.”
    There’d been one small camera hidden inside a hanging plant, another near the greenhouse. Stefan had discovered and destroyed them. Luckily, they were unable to transmit images, merely store them.
    “Not anymore.” Anton leaned over and kissed Keisha full on the mouth. “No more Burns. No more cameras. No record. Period. Police are happy, the case is closed, and we’re going home in the morning.”
    Xandi groaned. “No, we’re not. It’s almost morning and we’ve got a dedication to attend. We’ve got time for about an hour’s nap before we leave. I am not missing this, not after all we’ve been through.”
    She snuggled closer to Stefan, her round bottom fitting perfectly against the cradle of his hips. His cock wedged comfortably in the crease of her behind.
    “Napping is the last thing on my mind, woman. It’s been a week and that’s too damned long to go without sex.”
    “Excuse me? What was that we were doing last night?” Anton lifted himself up on one elbow, looking properly outraged.
    Keisha laughed. “Yeah. What were you doing last night? How the hell did you hear me? We can’t link that far.”
    Anton lay back down and tucked Keisha close under his chin. “I don’t know what happened. Stefan and I reached climax at the same time, and that’s when we heard you scream. Somehow, the orgasm must have heightened our senses, allowed us to pick up your thoughts. I don’t ever want that to happen again.”
    Stefan snorted. “What, a mutual climax? It’s not nearly as much fun alone.” His fingers trailed between Xandi’s legs where he found her wet and ready. It was such a simple, marvelous thing to slide his cock slowly inside her welcoming pussy.
    From the look of pleasure on Keisha’s face, Anton was doing the same thing to his mate. Both women sighed. Xandi wriggled her butt, giving Stefan better access. He thrust inside, slow and smooth, withdrawing just as slowly. His mind opened, his thoughts spilled out over all of them.
    He sensed Xandi’s pleasure, her need, at the same time felt Keisha’s response to Anton, experienced Keisha’s heat and the full, even slide of Anton’s huge erection filling her, touching the mouth of her womb, pausing a moment and then slipping back along the rippling muscles.
    Xandi and Keisha closed the narrow gap between them. Keisha leaned forward and sucked at Xandi’s nipple. Stefan felt the pull between his legs, between Xandi’s legs.
    The four of them moved as one, their bodies together in a slow and graceful ballet, sensation building on sensation as the link grew stronger. They shared the common coil of pending orgasm, the heat building, the gut tightening, their bodies so perfectly in sync it was difficult to tell where one began and the other ended.
    Thrusting harder, faster, finding a perfect rhythm, filling Xandi, filling Keisha, being Anton, Keisha and his beloved mate, Stefan tipped over the edge between light and dark, felt his body take flight, his mind and soul in perfect communion with the three he loved.
    Gasping, crying out Xandi’s name, he came in a rush of heat and life, his seed filling her, his body wrapping around hers and holding her close, holding Keisha and Anton as they arched and cried out together.
    Suddenly, a gate seemed to open in Stefan’s heart, a blossoming in his soul that was as fierce as it was unexpected. The memories of pain and misery, of his years caught between

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