Wolf Tales V
parking lot to the spot where he’d left the stolen rental car.
    A loud crash echoed from the far side of the building. Burns shoved Xandi into the front passenger seat. She landed on her side, one leg caught beneath her, the noose around her neck cutting off her air. Gasping for breath, twisting around, she raised her head just in time to see a large wolf leap over the retaining wall at the back of the building.
    Burns snapped one quick shot with his camera before throwing his equipment in the back seat and speeding away.

    Chapter Eight
    Panting, paws torn and bleeding, muzzle covered in froth and saliva, Keisha watched the car fishtail out of the parking lot. Her tail hung low, her body quivered with barely suppressed rage and sorrow.
    Everything awful, every terrible thing that had happened… all of it caused by this man. Her mother’s death. Her own rape and assault. All of it because Carl Burns wanted proof.
    Well, he had his proof now, only he didn’t know it.
    Xandi ?
    No answer. Keisha glanced at the sky and wondered if Anton and Stefan were on the ground yet. She’d never needed her mate more, never felt this vulnerable, this bereft.
    It had to be well after midnight.
    Xandi? Where is he taking you? Where are you ?
    The cell phone rang. Keisha nuzzled at the small pack lying on the ground in front of her and caught it in her teeth. She trotted into the shadows and shifted.
    Naked and shivering in the foggy night, she answered her phone.
    * * *
    Unwilling to wait for a rental car, Anton hailed the first cab he saw at the airport. He stuffed a hundred dollar bill into the cabby’s hand. “Four more of those if you can get us to the Golden Gate Bridge in twenty minutes.”
    The cab was moving before either Stefan or Anton had their seatbelts buckled. Immediately, Anton felt Keisha’s mental touch. He sighed his relief, but the feeling was short lived. Their minds linked and he sensed her fear, her disgust with herself, her overwhelming anger.
    While her thoughts poured into him, the cab raced down the freeway. Anton almost prayed for a highway patrolman, but traffic was light at this hour. Keisha broke the link to return to her search for Alexandria. Anton reached out for Stefan but kept his gaze on the road ahead.
    Stefan, have you been able to reach Alexandria ?
    No, Anton. Keisha ?
    Yes. Just now. She’s waiting for us just below the bridge, near a place called Fort Point. The detective called her a few minutes ago. Said he’d gone back over evidence from her assault. Found Carl Burns’s prints. They’d been taken from a closet door in the apartment. Hadn’t matched them before now. Didn’t think they were pertinent .
    Shit. How’s Keisha ?
    A wreck. Worried about Alexandria. Afraid people will find out about us .
    That’s the least of our worries . Stefan swung his head around to glare at Anton.
    Anton turned and held Stefan’s gaze for a brief moment. “I know.” He touched Stefan’s arm. Felt the tension coiling within his pack mate, his lover. “We’ll get to her in time. Hang in there.”
    Suddenly Stefan jerked. “Xandi!” Anton linked immediately, felt the familiar mental touch of Stefan’s mate. He pulled Keisha into the link.
    You’re all here ! Alexandria’s relief was obvious. I’m not sure what he’s up to. We’re parked near the north end of the Golden Gate Bridge. I think he’s setting up some camera gear, but I’m not sure .
    We’ll pick up Keisha and cross over. Keisha, are you coming as woman or wolf ?
    Her relieved laughter bubbled through all of their minds. Hairy wolf or naked woman. Take your pick .
    If I had my choice, you know what I’d choose . Stefan’s silly comment seemed to melt away fear. Even Alexandria laughed.
    Keisha’s voice sounded clear and calm. I don’t want to shock the cabby. He’s probably seen a naked woman before… the wolf would scare him to death. Are you wearing a coat? I can put that on .
    At Anton’s request, the

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