surveying the room for a place to light, Xavier finally settled on one of the bunks with his back to the wall.


      "I'd like an answer to that myself,” Dakota said.


      Balin met each of the other men's gazes, holding it for a long moment before he moved to the next. “She's an alpha female,” he responded finally. Stretching his long legs out before him, he crossed them, studying the toe of one boot thoughtfully.


      Jared's lips tightened. “I think we've all pretty much figured that out by now."


      Balin flicked a glance at him. “She's still a human female."


      "And I give a fuck!” Con snarled.


      Balin's face hardened. “Are you challenging me for her?"


      "God damn it!” Dakota snarled, surging up from the couch. “You said you weren't interested!"


      Balin sent him an enigmatic look. “What's your interest?"


      Dakota glared at him. “I think you can figure it out."


      "Humor me."


      Dakota opened his mouth and then closed it again. “She's human,” he snarled finally, dropping back into his seat. “What do you think?"


      "I think she's off limits,” Balin growled. “Alpha or not, she isn't one of ours. If you need something to stick your dick in, go find a wolfen or a werefemale."


      Con scowled at him but finally moved to prop one shoulder against the wall, facing the group. “What was that all about while ago, then, if you consider her off limits? Or is she just off limits to us?"


      Balin frowned. “I think the alpha of the rogue pack is after her."


      Con flicked a glance at the others and came away from the wall. “What makes you think that?"


      A mixture of amusement and anger glittered in Balin's eyes. “She said she'd spotted a wolf right outside her cabin a couple of times since she's been here. She tried to tag him—twice. I didn't make the connection until she bowed up at me. She's an alpha. He knows that. He's looking for a mate."


      Dakota, Jared, and Con exchanged looks of outrage. “The slimy, fucking bastard!” Dakota snarled, voicing Jared and Con's sentiments along with his own.


      Xavier frowned. “If you're right, why hasn't he marked her?"


      Balin grinned abruptly. “Possibly because every time he comes near her she shoots him with one of her darts and he wakes up with a tracker in his ass."


      Xavier looked taken aback. “Ouch!"


      Dakota stared at him a moment and began laughing. Even Con and Jared grinned.


      "She must have some potent joy juice in those things to take down a wolfen. Remind me to steer clear of her when she's packing."


      Balin sobered. “I'm not sure he's wolfen. If he is, he's either got some serious mental issues or he has virtually no control over his rogue pack. From what I saw, the son-of-a-bitch and his pack have infected most of the fucking town. I doubt that's allowed by the Canadian council any more than ours and for the same reason—the best way to coexist with the humans is to make certain they don't know we exist. I don't know what his agenda is, or if he even has one."


      Dakota and Con shrugged when he looked at them questioningly.


      "We spotted maybe a handful that weren't. Without going door to door, though, I don't know how we can tell just how many have been infected and how many aren't,” Con answered.


      "I hadn't expected it to be this bad,” Dakota added.


      "I'm pretty sure the council didn't either,” Balin retorted shortly.


      Jared scrubbed his hand over his face and then raked his fingers through his hair irritably. “Fuck! I hate to admit it, but I don't have a fucking clue of where to go from here. He's got an army. Maybe we should send for reinforcements?"


      Balin looked disgusted. “Rabble. There's no army and no clear leader. It's going to be a blood bath when the weres hit their first transition. I don't think

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