
World-Mart by Leigh Lane Page B

Book: World-Mart by Leigh Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leigh Lane
Tags: Fiction, General, Science-Fiction
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minute,” the loud speaker voice said.  “Don’t forget to buy this week’s featured item: Quality freeze-dried mashed potato product, a family favorite, on sale all this week for only seven fifty-nine (limit three sale items, total).  Thank you for shopping at Food-Mart.”
    Shelley stopped as she found the news associate over by the canned vegetables booth.  There was already a small crowd gathering around him, and Shelley had to push past a few people to get a decent spot.  A cashier associate quietly approached her with a wireless scan gun, and she held out her father’s debit card for the associate to scan.  The short man, who stood on a small platform holding an uncanny resemblance to a soapbox, had just started spouting the tidings for the day. 
    Shelley listened intently as the associate worked his way from the weather to the more important news: “Another wave of solar panel thefts has swept through the quadroplex, with Districts 89174 and 89148 being hit the hardest.  This will be the third series of thefts like it just this month.  No suspects have been identified, but authorities believe that organized crime is likely to blame.  Any questions?”  He looked through the crowd.  A young woman raised her hand, and he pointed to her.
    “Do authorities have any idea what thieves would want with solar panels?” the woman asked.
    “They do not,” the news associate answered.  He glanced up and looked around for a moment in thought, then looked back at the woman.  “Some say they might be finding a way to sell them through the Black Market, though.”
    There was a small clatter through the crowd as people nodded and murmured to one another over the associate’s assessment.
    No one else raised their hand, so the news associate continued: “A man was arrested for attempting to bribe his wife’s doctor for antibiotics yesterday.  His wife, who suffered from Lyme disease, killed herself earlier this morning. ”   He paused for a moment, as if offering the woman a moment for her passing.  “ Any questions?” he finally asked.  He panned the audience with his eyes, searching for hands.
    “A deadly virus has killed dozens of residents throughout the quadroplex in just the past two weeks,” the news associate continued.  “Believed to be a biological weapon in powder form, authorities don’t know who is behind its making, but they do know that a deviant resistance group is randomly infecting humans.  Concerned citizens should wear a facemask and plastic gloves while out in public.  Any questions?”
    Another young woman shot her arm into the air, and the news associate immediately pointed to her.
    “What makes authorities suspect deviants?” the woman asked.
    “That information is still undisclosed, but Corporate is advising that people avoid second-hand items and wear gloves and facemasks while out in public,” the news associate replied.
    Shelley raised her hand.  Her heart sped up as the news associate pointed to her and the crowd stared at her.  She took a deep breath.  “If deviants are responsible, does anyone know how they got a hold of a biological weapon?” she asked.
    “Well. . . .”  The news associate took a quick glance over the crowd, and Shelley turned to see if perhaps he was looking over at a teleprompter.  Strangely, he seemed to be looking at nothing.  She wondered w hat was over there that he could see and no one else could .  
    “Police-Corp has a few leads, but they’re not disclosing any of them at this time,” the associate finally said.
    A young man had his hand raised, and the associate pointed to him.
    “Can the virus be transferred between people?” he asked.
    “They think not, but if you know someone who is sick , make sure you take precautions just in case.”  The news associate looked over the crowd for more hands, and then continued on to tell them about the ever-rising price of electricity, a possible vegetable shortage by the end of

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