smiled and the universe sang.
“You will do.” She told her.
    “Do? Do for what?”
    “You will be my new beginning. Because of
you, my Tornian Warriors will finally realize why I have withheld
my blessing from them for so long. You are the
    “The beginning of what?”
    “Of a new world for all.” she said in that
enigmatic way of the Goddess as she faded away.

Chapter Four
    Waking , Kim
discovered she was no longer in Wray’s arms; instead, she was lying
on the hard cave floor, wrapped in a thin metallic blanket, alone.
Startled, she sat up. Where was Wray?
    “Wray?” She called out softly but received no
reply. Slowly, she looked around the cave, taking in the details
she’d been too distracted to notice before.
    The cave was unlike any she had ever seen on
Earth . Granted, she only saw them in
pictures or on television, but those caves had always appeared so
dark and cold, with little creepy crawly things in them . J ust thinking about it made her skin crawl. This
cave was warm and it had a light. Where
was the light coming from?
    Standing, she cautiously moved towards one of
the walls. There was some type of feathery growth on it and it
seemed to be giving off the light. Reaching out to touch
it , her hand stilled when the growth
seemed to curl back into itself, its light dimming.
    "They are called luciferins."
    Glancing over her shoulder, Kim found Wray
coming towards her from deeper in the cave. "Luciferins?"
    "Yes, they thrive in the caves on Pontus.
They live off the remains of the energy crystals that were once
mined here. In doing so, they glow."
    "They're beautiful."
    Wray tipped his head slightly and looked at
the luciferins. He never considered it before, but yes, they were
pleasing to look at.
    "Are they dangerous to touch?" Kim asked.
    "No, but it can damage them."
    "Oh." Kim looked back at them, then realized
they reminded her of the coral reefs back on Earth. Beautiful and
alive, but if not treated with care, easily harmed and though she
longed to touch one, she lowered her hand. She wouldn't knowingly
harm something that was benefiting her.
    "I'm sorry I was not back before you woke."
Wray said, stepping close, his eyes moving over her, searching for
any signs of harm.
    "Where were you?" she asked, turning to face
    "I woke and needed to relieve myself."
    "Oh." Kim blushed slightly, then realized she
did too. "Ummm, where?"
    "Follow the luciferins, there are several
small chambers, I used the first one on the left."
    Nodding, she started back then paused. "Is
there anything I should look out for?"
    "Look out for?" Wray frowned at her
    "Animals, little creepy crawlies?" Kim made
spider-like movements with her fingers.
    "No,” Wray found he had to hide his smile at
the thought she might be afraid of a little bug. “You have nothing
to worry about. There has been little life on Pontus since the
great infection."
    "Because little grows here anymore."
    "I...." Kim held up a finger, "hold that
thought." she said and quickly moved deeper into the cave.
Selecting the second chamber, she entered and found out that Wray
was right there wasn't a single bug in sight. Quickly taking care
of her needs she hurried back to Wray.
    When she returned, she found he had spread
the silvery blanket out and placed a bar and the pouch of water in
the center. “Is that a survival blanket?” she asked.
    “It is what warriors use to survive in harsh
    “That’s what we use them for on Earth
to o .” Moving she sat down across from him
and win c ed. “It’s not very thick.”
    “It is made to store in the smallest amount
of space, but it will keep you warm or cool depending on the
    “Yeah.” Lifting a corner, she tossed aside
the rock she sat on before settling again, “but it’s not very
thick.” She said, giving him a little grin.
    "Drink , Kim.” He
smiled back, gesturing to the center of the blanket. “Eat."
    Suddenly Kim realized she was

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