    “Are all the planets the same?”
    “No. Each is special in its own
right . T ake Vesta, it is ruled by Lord
Reeve, its lands are rich and fertile and can grow nearly every
food imaginable. Much of it is traded with the Kaliszian Empire for
power crystals and gems.” He looked down and while her eyes were
still open, they were beginning to droop. “Betelgeuse is ruled by
Lord Oryon, it is heavily forested with a great abundance of
wildlife. Many warriors travel there to hone their hunting
    “The planet I live on is called Tornian and
it has all these things, but it also has vast mineral resources
that support Tornian technology. Lord Bertos is the Lord that
oversees those things.”
    “Lord Bertos?” Kim asked drowsily and found
she couldn’t keep her eyes open. “I thought the Emperor would rule
his own planet.”
    Wray stiffened, then realized she was not
questioning his ability. “He does, but he leaves the day to day
worries to Lord Bertos so he can deal with the rest of the
    “Hmm… that makes sense, I guess. Is it pretty
there?” she asked rubbing her cheek against his chest as she
snuggled deeper into his embrace.
    “I think it is the most beautiful place in
all the known universes. The sky is beautiful and clear, the water
pure. There are mountains, deserts and some lands that are so flat
that you swear you can see forever. It supports so much life….”
Wray found his throat tightening as he spoke of his home. He had
never tried to express these feelings before. Embarrassed at this
show of emotion, he looked down at Kim worried she would think less
of him for having such soft thoughts. What he found was that his
words had put a soft smile on her lips and lulled her to
sleep . L eaning back, he rested.
    ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞ ∞
    Kim eyes slowly opened and she couldn’t
believe what she saw. Everything was so bright, so clear and crisp.
Every color was more, every sound pure, looking up, she saw…
    “Amazing, isn’t it?”
    Kim turned towards the melodic voice and
discovered the most beautiful woman she has ever seen standing a
few feet away.
    “Thank you.” She said bowing her head
    “I didn’t say anything.” Kim said, frowning
    “But you thought it.”
    “You can read my thoughts?”
    “Of course. I am the Goddess.”
    “I had forgotten that you don’t know of
    “Aren’t Goddess’ supposed to remember
everything?” Kim asked and immediately wished she had kept her
mouth shut as razor sharp eyes pierced hers. Lowering her gaze, she
bowed her head.
    “Very good. You are learning.”
    “Learning what?” Kim asked as she cautiously
peeked up.
    “Why I saved you.”
    “I thought Wray did that?” She quickly
lowered her eyes again and missed the Goddess’ smile.
    ‘ Yes, this one would do.’ She thought.
“He did because I allowed it. I gave you something to hang onto
until he could find you.”
    “Warrior.” Kim whispered, remembering the
growls she had heard.
    “Warrior.” The Goddess nodded in agreement.
“He loved and protected you, died protecting you and I knew if you
thought he was coming for you, you would hold on until my Warrior found you.”
    “If you knew all that, why didn’t you save
    “He served his purpose.” she said
    “His purpose !” Kim hissed out angrily
as she rose to her feet. She hadn’t even known she was sitting. “He
wasn’t a purpose ! He was a living, breathing creature and he
deserves your respect!” Kim had forgotten she was confronting a
    “You would challenge me over him?” The
Goddess asked softly and doing no more than raising an eyebrow, had
Kim slammed onto her back.
    “Yes.” Kim immediately jumped back to her
feet, her hands clenched.
    “Over his worthiness?” She demanded.
    “Even if it meant your own death?”
    Kim only paused for a moment before replying.
    The Goddess

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