parched and
picked up the water pouch, but it was so light she paused.
    “What is wrong , Kim?” Wray asked, frowning.
    “There’s not much water left, shouldn’t we
    Wray’s eyebrows shot up, he had seen her
thirst and yet again, she’d considered their future needs instead
of her present ones. She was so unlike Tornian females. “There is
plenty of water , Kim. Drink.”
    Kim eyed him suspiciously. Was he just saying
that so she would drink? “It’s nearly empty.” She informed him.
    “There is more water in the back chamber. It
is the other reason the luciferins thrive here.”
    Kim just looked at him. “Is that the truth?”
She finally asked and watched as his beautiful face
darken ed and his massive shoulders
stiffen ed . The softness left his gray
eyes. Suddenly she realized she insulted him. “Wray…”
    “You think I lie?” He demanded harshly, his
breathing becoming ragged. Never in all his life had he ever been
accused of such a thing.
    “I… I don’t kno w. I
mean, I don't really know you all that well and while I'd like to
think you wouldn't flat out lie to me, I do think you’d stretch the
truth if you thought it would benefit me.”
    Wray just stared at her, shocked at her
observation because it was true. He would have told her
there was plenty of water if it meant she were cared for.
Somehow, in a very short amount of time she had come to know him
very well. “I would have,” he finally admitted, slowly relaxing,
“but I am speaking the truth. It is why the luciferins chose these
caves to live in. For not only are there energy crystals here, but
there is enough water to meet their needs. Do you need me to show
you this truth?” Wray waited, wondering if she would trust his
    “No, I don’t need to see it. I believe you.”
Lifting the pouch she took several deep swallows, then handed it to
him. When he took it, she reached for the bar. This time she had no
problem opening it. Breaking it in half, she handed Wray his share.
“So is this the only water on Pontus?” she asked, biting into her
bar, chewing slowly she waited for his answer.
    “No. There is plenty of water on Pontus.”
    “But you said little grew here. Why does
nothing grow if there is plenty of water? Is the soil bad?”
    Wray was surprised by her question and her
interest. Their females would only care about being provided for
not how it was provided. “No. Pontus has very fertile soil. It was
once a paradise filled with life and the plants to support it. Now
there is only a very small area that still supports life.”
    “The great infection changed that? Like it
changed the Ganglians?”
    “Yes, it caused the majority of the planet
life here and on every other Kaliszian planet to die. Plants from
other worlds were brought in, but none survived.”
    “But why?”
    “Because the Goddess does not allow it. It is
her way of withholding her blessing of life from the
    “The Goddess… blessing...” Kim whispered,
frowning as her mind filtering back to her dream. It had been a
dream… right?
    “Yes, she is the Goddess of all life and she
is unhappy with us.”
    “You mean with the Ganglians and the
    “And with the Tornians.” Wray admitted.
    “I don’t understand. If she is the Goddess of
all life, why would she prevent it?”
    “Because of something that happened over five
hundred years ago.”
    “What happened?” she asked curiously.
    Sighing heavily, Wray looked at her. He
didn’t want to tell her. Especially after what happened to her at
the hands of the Ganglians but he would not lie to her. “Finish
your bar , Kim , and I will tell you.”
    Looking down Kim was shocked to discover she
had only taken one bite . Q uickly she
finished it, then nodd ed her thanks when
Wray handed her the water to wash it down. Looking at him, she
waited for Wray to begin.
    “Ancient legends tell of how Tornian Warriors
once saved the Goddess from being forced to Join with

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