
Zeck by Khloe Wren

Book: Zeck by Khloe Wren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Khloe Wren
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wear, but a suit. His tie was gone and the top button popped, and he’d
also rolled up the sleeves. He looked like one stressed out man, nothing like
the controlled, calm man I’d met the last two nights.
    “Are you all right, Brian?”
    I couldn’t help but ask. It was ingrained in me to
help those around me if I could.
    “It’s been a long couple of days, my friend.”
    He paused and opened a door into an elegant looking
office, standing back to usher us through in front of him.
    “Take a seat, gentlemen.”
    Frowning I waited for Issy to sit before I lowered myself into a seat beside her.
    “What has happened, my friend?”
    I was glad Jas asked the question. I didn’t know Brian
well enough to push him, and he was making me nervous.
    “I can confirm that it was Monique that took and
released those photos. However, she’s disappeared.” He paused to scrub his
palms over his face. “I feel responsible. I should have dealt with her sooner.
I knew she was causing friction here.”
    Issy turned to me as I voiced
my question.
    “As I said to you earlier, she’s a raving bitch. And I
don’t believe she even likes the lifestyle.”
    “You’re right. She’s the younger sister of my brother’s
partner. He’d told me she was asking about the lifestyle and her sister wanted
to keep her safe, so as a favor I let her train here. It’ll be the last time I
allow such a thing.” He sighed, and my instincts flared. “I spoke with her
sister at length this morning. Monique was diagnosed recently with Narcissistic
Personality Disorder. I think her sister hoped in having her trained as a
submissive she’d settle down. I wished they’d told me to begin with. I’d never
have let her in the door. She was constantly prowling for a Dom, clearly
looking for someone rich and well known. I imagine she thought she struck the
jackpot when you walked in, Zeck . Anyway, she’s now
missing. She hasn’t returned to her apartment since last night, and she’s not
answering her phone. The police are looking for her also. Their cyber crime
unit wants to interview her. If they can charge her they will. It’s hard to get
a conviction with cyber stuff, but she could end up behind bars for a couple
years if they can manage it. If she’s crazy enough to show up here, I’ll be
calling the police. Her locker hasn’t been cleared out, and she obviously still
has her keycard.”
    “Can’t you get your security guys to watch for what
cards get scanned? Or have her card deactivated?”
    I couldn’t understand the point of a security system
that gave everyone individual keycards but couldn’t be programmed to alert
someone when a certain card was scanned.
    “Sorry, Zeck . I’ve never
intended to use the system in that way, so it’s not set up for it. And without
the card, I can’t deactivate it. I’ll be looking into changing that, but it
won’t help our situation now.”
    I sat straighter in my seat. I might be new to being a
Dom, but needing to protect those around me was something I’d been doing for a
long time.
    “In that case, Issy won’t be
coming back here until Monique is caught.”
    A slight smile stretched his lips for a few moments.
    “You’re quite the natural, aren’t you? I was actually
going to suggest that very thing. I know Issy is due
to fly home in a few weeks.” He turned his attention to Issy .
“I hate to suggest it, but maybe you should consider going home sooner. I fear
what Monique would do to you if she found you.”
    Panic rose inside me, and my heart kicked up in speed.
I wasn’t ready to say goodbye to Issy . I wasn’t sure
I ever would be. I looked over to her, and the sorrow on her face kicked me in
the gut.
    “Come on tour with me. You’ll have our security with
you whenever you’re out in public, so Monique won’t get near you, baby.”
    “My visa runs out in a few weeks, Zeck .
I can’t stay past that date. I have to go home.”
    I could see in her gaze that she

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