Zomblog: The Final Entry

Zomblog: The Final Entry by Tw Brown

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Authors: Tw Brown
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    Friday, February 26
    Made good distance today. Wow! It gets noticeably colder the moment that the sun ducks behind the horizon. I’m talking face-numbing, toe-stinging, don’t-want-to-pee-because-your-hoo hoo-freezes cold!
    Eric says that we are lucky. The weather, by his reckoning, is rather mild for this time of year. I told him…well…never mind what I told him. The lack of zombie problems have been replaced by an eternity of pine trees coated with white, sparkiling snow. It looked so pretty in pictures. Make no mistake…this sucks!
    We found a place to stay. The sign beside the highway said ‘SE Weber Rd.’ A little ways in, we found a house. My guess is that either neighbors or family—perhaps running from the city—brought the horrors here. At least five of of the eleven people here were small children. I say “at least” because I am quite certain that there were infants here. There just isn’t anything left of them to find to prove their existence.
    In one of the photos on the wall, there is a picture of a woman holding an infant. It is one of those artistic skin-on-skin black and whites with soft diffused borders. I put my blade into the woman personally. She was even wearing the same diamond necklace from the picture.
    We cleaned out the house and dragged the bodies out back. Eric says we’ll probably have to stay here a few days. His spider-senses say that there is another storm coming. We aren’t too worried about the zeds right now. That means a big roaring fire in the fireplace and even a few oil lamps! Absolute luxury!
    Eric slipped out for a couple of hours and came back with a deer over his shoulders already stripped. I guess two years of not being hunted has made them plentiful. Zombies have no interest in them. Either that or they are too slow—the zombies, not the deer—to catch them.
    Monday, March 1
    Here’s a great idea. Trek through the mountains at the apex of winter. Meredith Gainey…you are a DUMBASS!
    Wednesday, March 3
    When exactly is spring? I don’t actually recall. But if I see one more snowflake, I’m gonna scream.
    Saturday, March 6
    Rain! Sweet, blessed enemy of the snow! Come and wash your frozen brethren from my sight. Oh…and I’m getting REALLY bored with venison. (All I hear is my mother’s voice saying, “Meredith Gainey…eat your dinner! There are people in China going hungry.” I never understood that logic.)
    Sunday, March 7
    Spent the day outside. We walked (hiked) out to the highway. The snow is washing away. Eric says we should be able to resume our trek in a day or two if this keeps up. I think there is less than a foot of the stuff still on the ground.
    Oh yeah, Eric says we will probably have to deal with this sort of erratic weather for the next month at least.
    Monday, March 8
    Holy Crap!
    Okay, remember the whole thing about dogs turning? (But not cats, that is still so weird.) Well, wolves are related to dogs. AND, if you leave rotting meat outside—for instance, rotting zombie corpses—wolves will come back and pick over the remains.
    We woke in the dark of night, the fire down to glowing embers, to something wrong. At first I thought it was the cold that woke me. Then I realized I wasn’t the slightest bit cold. And Sam was growling. I reached for Eric, but no surprise, he was already awake.
    There was a scratching at the door. Zombie-wolves have a yowl that you only need to hear once to remember forever. It made my hair stand up on my arms (and legs…no, I haven’t shaved in a while. What’s it to ya?). Also, I peed just a little.
    We got up and put on all our gear: lined gloves, goggles, leather coat, modified welder’s leathers over our denim. What can I say? We’ve gotten a little bit lazy having been so long without seeing a single soul…living or undead. The house has kept us toasty with

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