It’s Still Complicated: …because I Am Still Waiting

It’s Still Complicated: …because I Am Still Waiting by Chandra Kant Jaisansaria

Book: It’s Still Complicated: …because I Am Still Waiting by Chandra Kant Jaisansaria Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chandra Kant Jaisansaria
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary
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she pulled out the topic of me blaming her for being a characterless woman, I said to her that I had already apologized for it and I would never repeat it again but when a girl starts an argument on something you never know when it is going to end. She then said something which a guy would never like to hear, she said “If I am characterless, every girl in your family is characterless!”. This worked as a catalyst for making me angry. I couldn’t digest her blame and I slapped her for this.
    “A real man never slaps his women; he is always expected to love her, as a girl always sacrifices everything for her man.”
    I was full of guilt and I realized that I am from a family where my father never did this to my mom, how can I do this with Megha. She started crying and said “My father also gets angry with my mom, but he never slaps her.” I apologized to her for this and I promised I would never do it again, but she was so hurt that she did not want to talk to me after this.
    I went home, locked myself inside a room, slapped myself and cried a lot. Not only had I disrespected myself in front of her, I also lost respect for myself. This was the worst mistake of my life which I never wanted to do but while I am angry I never realize my words and actions. Someone had truly said “Never promise anything when you are very happy and never take any decision when you are very angry about something.”
    I tried to call her several times but she did not receive the call, I messaged her but she did not reply. I called Kavya to ask her to pick up my call but even then she did not pick up my call. I was damn worried, broken, frustrated, hurt and tense about this mistake. I never wanted to lose her, she was my life and she meant everything to me.
    I realized this time that I loved her more then I loved anyone else in this world, and I considered Love as being next to god. The next day I called her and she said she didn’t want to talk to me anymore. I tried to convince her but she disconnected the call. On the third day I again tried to convince her that I didn’t realize what I had done in anger and I am ready to accept any punishment that she wanted to give me for this. She made me promise that I would accept any punishment which she gave me for this. She said I would have to touch her feet and say sorry for this mistake and I also had to promise not to repeat this mistake ever.
    “ When a women touches a man’s feet it’s okay, so why can’t a man do the same?”. Then I had two choices with me now “Either I can let go of my male ego - win and lose my love forever, or be man enough to touch her feet and say sorry and be with her forever ”. I accepted her punishment and I touched her feet the next day when we met. She was happy that I dropped my ego and was man enough to realize my mistake and I had done something which someone else would have never done to get her back. She hugged me for this and we were happy once again.

The Dreamer’s Fantasy Come True
    September 2010
    L ike any other couple we both used to talk over the phone till late at night. Sometimes we used to talk till early morning. One September night, we were talking to each other on the phone and it started raining outside. I could hear the sound of raindrops falling on the sheds of my flat and I went to the balcony to see the rain.
    I said “Megha, it’s raining outside, do you love rain?”
    She smiled and replied “Yes I do,”
    I, being a bit pessimistic said that I didn’t like rain because it creates traffic and causes bike tires to slip while driving. You cannot go out of home neatly dressed as it creates a lot of problem while walking on the roads. She on the other hand being an optimist said she loved to walk in the rain, and that she wanted to dance with me in the rain.
    But the rain also induced a romantic feeling in the both of us. God had given us all the gift of imagination, so that whenever we read or listen to something, we start

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