A Christmas Carl

A Christmas Carl by Ryan Field

Book: A Christmas Carl by Ryan Field Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ryan Field
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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Donna poured young Carl another glass of wine and rested her palm on his knee.
“You guys will work it out,” she said. “And there’s no reason for you to go all the way
back to school and sit in an empty door room all alone. You can stay here as long as you
want.” He drank the next full glass of wine and fell back against the vinyl sofa. His eyes
were glazed and his hair was messy because he’d been running his fingers through it all
evening. He yawned and said, “I appreciate it, Donna. I just don’t know if I can stay here.
I want to get away from Victor and everything that reminds me of him.”
Older Carl remembered how he’d felt that day. His stomach turned and his
muscles ached. Everything seemed foggy, as if he had been standing in the middle of a
cloud and he didn’t know how to find his way out. He remembered waiting for Victor to
call and say something. Victor had to know he’d be with Donna. The longer he’d waited,
the more his head throbbed.
Donna poured young Carl another glass of wine and ran her hand up his leg. She
rested her hand on his upper thigh and handed him the glass. “Drink this. You’ll feel
Young Carl leaned forward and drank the entire glass in a few swallows. When he
tried to place the empty glass on the coffee table, he missed and the glass fell onto the
brown shag carpet. He fell back on the sofa and said, “I think I’ve had too much to drink.
Hell, I don’t even know how many I’ve had.” His voice slurred and he hesitated between
Donna picked the empty glass off the floor and placed it on the table without
removing her hand from his leg. The hand on his leg went higher and she grabbed his
crotch. She massaged his penis with light, gentle strokes and said, “We’ve been friends
for a long time, Carl. I have very strong feelings for you. I think we’d be good together as
a couple.” Older Carl stepped back and raised an eyebrow. By the time Donna started
playing with young Carl’s penis, young Carl was too drunk to know what was happening.
Older Carl had always wondered about what had happened between them that night. But
he’d never been sure and he’d never bothered to ask—some things were better off
unspoken. If he’d been sober that night, he would have handled this differently.
While Donna continued to grope his penis, young Carl closed his eyes and spread
his legs wider. She slipped her hand down the waistband of his sweatpants and wrapped
her warm fingers around the shaft. A moment later, young Carl pulled down his pants. He
had a full erection; she began stroking it very slowly.
Older Carl shook turned to the Ghost and said, “I want to leave. I don’t want to
see this.” He knew this wasn’t the first time a confused young gay man had had sex with
a woman. But he didn’t want to watch something he wished he could have prevented.
The Ghost pointed to the sofa and shook the black glove up and down.
When Carl looked down at them again, Donna was pulling young Carl’s pants off.
She yanked them off his legs and shoved them under the coffee table. Then she stood up
and pulled off his sweatshirt. Her fingertips brushed against his underarms and he
laughed. “That tickles,” he said. He was so drunk and his voice was so slurred it was hard
to understand what he’d said.
When young Carl was naked except for a pair of white sweat socks, Donna
removed all of her clothes. Then she sat on his lap and straddled his erection. He’d drifted
off to sleep by then, so she tapped his face a few times to try to wake him up. There was
no kissing or foreplay. She knew what she wanted and young Carl did not try to stop her.
His penis slipped into her body so fast his head went back and his jaw dropped. Donna placed her palms on young Carl’s naked chest and

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