A Father's Wrath
had followed him, so he got in
and drove down the ramps. He knew that a lot of people in his
situation would kill themselves at this point, but Richie refused
to do that. He was hoping for a miracle. Maybe the judge would be
lenient because of what had happened to his son.
    Things were still cool when he got to the first
floor. He paid his ticket, then the oblivious man in the booth
pressed a button that lifted the gate. Richie thought about driving
home, but he knew he’d be going to jail very soon and didn’t want
his kids and his neighbors seeing him taken away in
    Richie drove to the precinct where McCoy worked
and double-parked outside. Nothing mattered now. At least he
avenged his son.
    When he marched into the precinct with his
bloody tuxedo, a few cops put their hands on their guns and kept
their eyes on Richie while creeping toward him.
    Richie approached the desk cop, pulled the
bloody cock and balls and wet cell phone from his pocket and
slammed them on the counter. “You tell those motherfuckers upstairs
their DNA sample is here!”

    After an early Sunday dinner at his mother’s
house, Joe headed to the city for another night of patrolling the
cold streets.
    At the precinct, he changed into his uniform,
but as he approached the roll-call room, the sergeant on duty told
him to go to the captain’s office.
    Joe knocked on the captain’s door.
    Detective McCoy opened the door.
    Joe stepped into the office and noticed two
other men along with his captain.
    The captain said, “Sit.”
    Joe looked around at everyone’s serious faces,
then sat in the only vacant chair.
    The captain asked, “You haven’t read the papers
    Joe replied, “I woke up late and had a busy
day. Why? What did I miss?”
    One of the two men in suits asked, “When was
the last time you spoke with Mr. Carson?”
    “I don’t know. Last week maybe. I saw him on
his way out of the precinct.” Joe knew something must have
happened. He just hoped Richie didn’t kill anyone.
    The second man in a suit asked, “Did you have
drinks with him that night?”
    Joe glared at McCoy. He knew that pub was a
regular after work spot for McCoy, and it was probably him that had
seen them there that night after work. Joe turned to the two men in
suits and said, “Yeah. I had a couple beers with a fellow former
marine. Who the hell are you, anyway?”
    The captain said, “Relax, Martello.”
    The first suit said, “We’re Internal
    The second suit said, “And we have transcripts
of all your recent text messages.”
    McCoy said, “You told him where to find Lu. You
used the precinct computers to find out where he’d be.”
    Joe wanted to know what Richie had done, but
first he needed to try and get the spotlight off of himself and
onto McCoy. “What about you? You said you were gonna file for a
federal warrant, but you never did. And what a coincidence that the
DNA sample was contaminated, just after someone offered Richie
Carson fifteen million dollars to keep his mouth shut.”
    The captain asked, “Did you just say fifteen
million dollars?”
    The second suit asked, “Are you insinuating
that Detective McCoy accepted a bribe?”
    Joe stood and raised his voice. “That’s exactly
what the fuck I’m insinuating, genius.”
    McCoy shot to his feet. “Fuck you, Martello.”
He put two hands on Joe’s chest and pushed.
    Joe’s body was a concrete wall. McCoy couldn’t
budge him. Without considering the repercussions, Joe slugged McCoy
in the face.
    McCoy fell backward, into the captain’s desk,
knocking over picture frames and office supplies. Joe grabbed McCoy
by the throat.
    Both men in suits grabbed Joe, but Joe was too
powerful. He picked up McCoy and slammed him against the wall,
smashing him into the plaster and knocking over framed documents
and pictures.
    The captain, lying on the ground among the
mess, yelled, “That’s enough!”
    Joe could have destroyed all four of those men

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