A Lady of Hidden Intent
. . exotic.”
    “Less exotic?” Catherine questioned.
    “Yes. I want to stand out at the party. I want every other woman there to die of envy when they see my gown.”
    Catherine tried to imagine a ballroom with Mrs. Danby sweeping through, ladies dropping to the floor in death as she passed by. Did people never listen to the words they spoke?
    “And what of the bodice?” Catherine questioned, moving on quickly.
    “I want it low. I want my husband to take note,” she said rather smugly. “I still have a good figure, and I mean for him to remember that fact.”
    Catherine looked at the woman momentarily. She had to be at least sixty years of age, but it was true that her petite frame was rather well filled out. “Perhaps this,” Catherine said as she quickly sketched a bodice. “We call this style corsage à la Grecque . You can see that it is low and off the shoulder. The bodice is comprised of vertical pleats that accentuate the bosom.”“Oh, I do like that.”
    “It was more popular in the forties, but we can recreate it and give it a completely refreshed look. And I happen to know something similar was recently recreated for Her Majesty Queen Victoria.”
    “Oh, that’s simply divine. Yes, that’s the style I would want for my gown.”
    Catherine nodded. “And may I suggest the sleeve short and tight at first, then trailing down with lace that would imitate the flounces, like this.” Catherine drew three tiers of material that came to the elbow.
    “That is perfect. Oh, but I can scarcely imagine how I will ever wait for the gown to be created.”
    Catherine looked up and could see from the woman’s expression that she was already imagining herself and the response she’d create. “What colors do you have in mind?”
    Mrs. Danby looked at Catherine only a moment before opening her mouth. “I want whatever will make it look the richest. Perhaps a gold?” She looked at Catherine as though awaiting her approval.
    “Let me look at what is available and give you several ideas from which to choose. We will have new materials in from France any day now. I am sure we will find something suitable in that selection.”
    “Of course. How exciting!” Mrs. Danby nodded in great satisfaction before adding, “But there must not be another gown made with the material you use for my creation. Upon this I insist.”
    “You may discuss that matter with Mrs. Clarkson. I have little say over such affairs.”
    Winifred reemerged at this time. She looked at her mother and then to Catherine before lowering her gaze to the floor. With her quiet, sweet demeanor, Catherine imagined that in another time and place, they might have been good friends.
    “I will collect a variety of samples. I would like to suggest a delicate pink or perhaps rose color for your daughter’s gown.
    It will make a good show against her creamy complexion. We can trim it out with a choice of colors, but I would also consider some real roses on the neckline.”
    “Oh! Oh! That sounds so marvelous,” Mrs. Danby said, clapping her gloved hands together. “Oh, but I wish I were twenty again. I would show them all a thing or two.”
    Catherine had no doubt the woman would create quite a show at that. “I will also have a more detailed sketch for you in a day or two.”
    Mrs. Danby took hold of her daughter. “Come, Winifred, we must allow Miss Shay to get on with her other customers.
    I am so excited. I know I shan’t sleep a wink until I have that gown in my possession.”
    “I will send word when the materials have arrived,” Catherine promised as she got to her feet. “When the materials are available, we can also discuss the laces and trims.”
    “Of course, Miss Shay. Thank you so much. We shall look forward to our next meeting.”

    “You look very lonely in this room.”
    Carter looked up to find an attractive young woman standing by the door. She wasn’t the same girl who had come to serve him tea and cakes earlier. That girl was

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