A Little Harmless Lie 4

A Little Harmless Lie 4 by Melissa Schroeder

Book: A Little Harmless Lie 4 by Melissa Schroeder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Schroeder
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especially when she was going through a routine.
    “What about her?”
    “She looks trained.”
    He didn’t look at Evan when he spoke. “Yeah. I told you.”
    “No. Look at the way she handles herself.”
    Micah did, watch her muscles move, tense, release. She balanced herself perfectly on the balls of her feet. The dancer was there, but there was something beneath the surface that gave him pause.
    “She knows how to defend herself.” Micah couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it himself.
    “Yeah. Not that I see anything wrong with a woman learning self- defense, probably smart considering her job. But most women don’t learn something to that extent without an experience.”
    Micah glanced at him and realized that Evan was serious.
    “What are you getting at?”
    “I’m saying she might have been in some trouble.”
    Micah shook his head. “Not likely. If there had been we would know by now. She’s been here for two years, and has yet to have an issue. Hell, she’s never called in sick.”
    But something was niggling at the back of his brain and Evan must have sensed it.
    “I understand you’re hung up on her. You don’t want to think she did anything bad.”
    That made him laugh. “Please, son, I have no problem with a bad woman.”
    Evan chuckled as Micah had hoped. “You’re such an ass. I’m just saying you might want to have Carino check her out. He’d probably be happy to run a background check on her. See if she has a nasty husband after her.”
    Micah smiled despite his irritation. “I’m pretty sure there’s no husband in her background.”
    “Still,” Evan started then looked at the screen. “That woman was trained to defend herself for some reason. And not the weekend kind of classes where suburbanites play at self- defense. You might want to know that before you get involved with her. That’s all I’m saying. Are we done with this thing? I gotta get home and finish packing. May and I are flying to the Big Island for a couple of days.”
    Evan rolled his eyes. “If I could, I would, but I think her father and grandfather might kill me.”
    They talked about a few properties Evan had been keeping an eye on, ones that might work for a smaller club on the other side of the island. But they were soon done and Evan left Micah to watch Dee finish up her routine.
    She rolled her shoulders, which thrust her breasts out. She wasn’t full- chested, but damn, if they weren’t gorgeous. Not that he had seen them without clothing, but he could tell they were nicely rounded and high. He could imagine just how her skin would taste. She liked a hard workout and he could imagine how she would be in bed. Hot and sweet, enough to keep up with his demands. He shuddered as his cock hardened. Damn.
    Since she had confessed her lack of experience, Micah could barely think of anything else. It had always been a turnoff to him. Virgins were too much work, boring, and he would rather take an experienced woman any day.
    This was different. She was different.
    He’d never had this need, this desire, for a woman before. To take her through her initial submission, take her virginity. He closed his eyes and counted back from ten. He was probably going to have issues keeping his head straight until he got her in bed. It was dangerous to continue to operate without much blood flowing to his brain.
    He knew he would have to be slow with her. There was no doubt in his head about that. He couldn’t just seduce her. He had to entice her. She was wary, of him, of what was between them. Being that she was inexperienced just added to the complications, not to mention he had to be careful since she worked for him. He knew she would understand it wasn’t sexual harassment, but he still wanted to be cautious. Micah sighed as he watched her leave the workout area and head back to the showers.
    Tonight he would start his pursuit in earnest. He just hoped he didn’t pass out from being lightheaded and fall

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