A Memory Unchained

A Memory Unchained by Gloria Graham

Book: A Memory Unchained by Gloria Graham Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gloria Graham
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance
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    “Now, what about tomorrow?”
    “Haven’t we done it all?” she said breathlessly.
    “Not so, Chéri, Don’t forget my dinner party tomor-
    row evening.”
    Pamela leaned across the seat and kissed him tenderly
    on the cheek.
    “I can hardly wait,” she paused. “You are so wonderful.
    Today will be a very special memory for me, forever!” She squeezed his arm.
    “For me too,” he said and waved as his limousine pulled
    back into traffic.
    She walked nonchalantly to the pool area. Only a few
    people were still there. Pamela pulled up a lounge chair
    and positioned the back so that she could see the stars.
    She felt warm and comfortable after being with Rex. She
    closed her eyes.

    A Memory Unchained___________ 59
    Her thoughts rocked back to the night so much like
    this one, that she and Jeff had their special time together, alone.
    As they had dined and danced, a special feeling began
    to take shape.
    “Let’s go somewhere special!” Jeff had whispered and
    began helping her on with her coat.
    “Where shall we go?” she smiled lovingly.
    “There’s a small café up the coast, a very special place, good music, a better dance floor, you’ll like it,” he added.
    “Shall we go?” She nodded in agreement.
    She slipped her hand into his as they walked to his
    The drive along the coast was beautiful at night. Jeff
    put the top down on his beautiful silver convertible so they could view the stars.
    Pamela loved the wind whipping through her hair.
    “It’s like nowhere else in the world,” she whispered.
    Jeff leaned closer.
    “The ocean, you mean?” he asked.
    “Yes, the sea, it has a magic all it’s own, so endless, so steadfast, one of the God’s true masterpieces!”
    He smiled. “A little serious aren’t we?” he joked.
    “Yes, but it’s so special.” She sighed.
    The winding road led off the highway to the café over-
    looking the ocean.
    It was just like Jeff had said, cozy, quiet and very ro-
    mantic. Flickering candlelight lit the room that echoed
    soft romantic music.
    The Maître d’ seemed to know Jeff.
    “Your table is ready, Mr. Desmond!”

    60 __________________Gloria Graham
    Jeff held her close as they danced. Then he whispered
    in her ear, “I wish we could really get to know each other, without all these people!” He kissed her softly on the neck.
    His eyes were glowing. It was a look she had not seen for a long time!
    “My beach house is just up the road, in Back Bay Har-
    bor,” she said softly.
    “Sounds wonderful, let’s go,” he was quick to answer.
    “It’s been closed up, for a long time,” she paused. “The
    view from the patio is breathtaking,” she added.
    Her voice trailed off as she said, “I’m just not sure I’m ready to go!”
    Jeff didn’t act like he heard the last comment. He was
    busy gathering up the check and retrieving her coat.
    When he returned to their table, Pamela had a distant
    look on her face. He stopped and watched her.
    “You alright?” His tone commanded her attention.
    She jumped.
    “Where were you? Somewhere besides here,” he
    “I’m sorry, forgive me. This coastline holds a lot of
    memories for me.”
    “Your forgiven, let’s go,” he said, helping her into her
    As they continued their drive along the coastline, Jeff
    motioned for her to move closer to him.
    She scooted next to him, thinking how she felt as she
    did on her first date, so long ago!
    “You’re smiling, why?” he asked.
    “Just reminiscing about my girlhood!”
    “Kinda funny how things all come around again, isn’t

    A Memory Unchained___________ 61
    it?” he smiled, putting his arm around her.
    Pamela knew at that moment she had to do some
    explaining about Back Bay. She hesitated, and then tried
    to begin.
    “This place, my beach house, it’s very special to me,”
    she paused again.
    “I guessed that,” he said.
    “But it’s full of memories, beautiful memories,” she
    paused, hoping at that moment he

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