A Tiger in Eden

A Tiger in Eden by Chris Flynn

Book: A Tiger in Eden by Chris Flynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Chris Flynn
Tags: Fiction, adventure
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different to the boring aul uptight fucking Brits. If any of the lads from the Shankill walked in and saw me sitting all cosy like with this blond Frenchman they’d be thinking we were bum chums or something.
    The only man familiar with me was our Mark and we were brothers like so that was all right. I told Olly that one night a few weeks later and he just shrugged like it was nothing at all and says in France all men are brothers. That cut me up, so it did. The Brits are always slagging the French but as I found out they actually do loads of things better. Liberté égalité fraternité was their motto Olly explained to me, freedom equality brotherhood. And they fucking took it seriously and all. Our ones wouldn’t even know the meaning of words like that, me least of all. Sure I was the last one to understand brotherhood.
    It only took him a few hours to get invited up tothat ugly bitch’s room, it disgusted me the thought of her aul dirty feet with the big black hairs sticking out of the toes but Olly wasn’t as fussy as me, for years the only women he’d seen were on posters stuck up on the inside of lockers so fair enough and at least the English girl was getting her end away at last, maybe then she’d shut her gob for a while.
    We never hung round long enough to find out. Olly crept into the room early the next morning and says to me, grab your shit we’re getting out of here, you didn’t pay the bar bill last night did you?
    Course not, I says, what do you take me for?
    Right, come on then, he goes.
    Fuck sake, I says, it must be about four in the morning.
    There’s a ferry at six, he goes, let’s make sure we’re on it. This is our Olly all over, I was thinking.
    We were looking over our shoulders the whole time before the ferry left just in case a bunch of Malays with machetes turned up looking for the money we owed them, or even worse the English girl.
    How was she, I asked Olly, a good ride?
    All right I suppose, he goes, she smelled weird.
    Hope you didn’t suck on her aul hairy toes, I says.
    Olly laughs then and goes, yes! They were hairy weren’t they but don’t worry I kept well away from them, how come you didn’t fuck her?
    Sure she was disgusting, I says, no offence like.
    What do you mean, he goes, looking a bit hurt.
    Well let’s just say she wasn’t my type, I says, I’m intothe whatchamacallit intellectual types these days, the ones that take care of themselves and have a good head on them.
    You get many of them round these parts, he goes, laughing.
    I suppose not, I says, but the life we have puts you out of touch with what’s going on, there’s no way to learn nothing unless in books and I get fed up with that, do you not?
    C’est vrai , he goes, which means right enough in our lingo, that’s why I was dealing in Penang just to keep myself from going crazy and feel like I was doing something.
    Aye, it sounds mad though. Were you not feared of getting caught, sure they’re dead strict and that.
    Well I’m out of it now, he says, but if you’re interested I’ve got the number of a guy up in Bangkok who’s looking for westerners, it’s easy money and low risk.
    What is it, I says, mule work, ‘cos call me mad but I don’t fancy swallowing twenty flunkies full of horse. One of them bursts and you’re proper fucked.
    No no, he says, no way nothing like that, you just have to escort someone to Japan. They’re travelling on a fake passport but you go on your own and sit next to them on the plane, fill in their immigration forms or whatever, maybe you both dress up like businessmen, it’s just so they feel comfortable going through customs at the other end, you get a free flight to Japan and a thousand bucks US, it’s easy, one of my buddies fromthe army has done it a couple of times.
    Aye, it doesn’t sound too bad, I says, I’ll think about it. Japan, I was thinking, sure that’d be all right something different for a change.
    Obviously we’ll tread carefully and check

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