Anyone but You
Last night after you left, Fred and I stayed up and watched The Great Escape until one-thirty.
    You can't do that when you're married. I missed out on a lot of great movies because Guy didn't like it when I stayed up late. I love being single."
    Alex blinked. "I watched it, too. Steve McQueen and the catcher's mitt. You like old movies?"
    Nina nodded. "And James Garner. James Garner is great in that movie." Then she frowned at him.
    "Now back to your problem. From the wisdom of my advanced years, I can tell you that waiting too long to start a career is a mistake."
    Alex sipped his coffee. "You just starting one now?"
    "Going back to one I abandoned sixteen years ago," Nina said. "I got very lucky and found a job in publishing after my divorce, but if I'd stayed at it, people would be working for me instead of me working for them. It took me six months to advance from secretary to assistant editor. One of the editors who has seniority over me is your age. It's hard."
    Alex shrugged and sipped again. "Why do you care? Age is irrelevant."
    "Tell me that when you're forty." Nina put her mug down. "Come on, let's work on your future.
    You said you liked science courses in school."
    "I said I took science courses in school. I didn't say I liked them." He took another sip. "This is excellent coffee. What kind is it?"
    "Don't try to change the subject. What do you like?"
    "People. Excitement. Noise. Color."
    "Maybe we can get you in with the circus," Nina said acidly. "Concentrate here. I'm trying to fix your life."
    "You and my whole family. Why don't we leave my life alone? I like my life.'' Alex drained his coffee mug and then stared into it. "You know, this isn't supposed to work, but I do feel better. Must be the caffeine."
    "How are you supporting yourself now?" Nina asked, hoping for a direction to steer him in.
    "I'm a doctor." Alex pushed his empty mug toward her. "Could I have another cup, please?"
    Nina blinked at him. "You're a what?"
    "A doctor. Never mind, I'll get it." Alex got up and stepped over Fred to fill his mug from the pot before he gestured it in her direction. "You want more?"
    "No." She didn't want more coffee, she wanted to kill him. He'd known what she'd been thinking and had just played along to amuse himself. Turgid as a Russian novelist. How juvenile of him. Well, he was young, but not that damn young. "Very funny. I want to know why the hell your family isn't happy with a thirty-year-old doctor."
    "Because I work in the ER." Alex sat down again. "I like the ER. I have a very short attention span and there's always something going on there to keep me interested. Plus, I get to save lives, which makes me feel good."
    Nina nodded and thought about strangling him. "And your family wants you to be what? A lawyer?"
    "God, no." Alex looked horrified. "That's my uncle Robert. We do not mention his name." He grew thoughtful for a moment. "Although we do turn to him in times of malpractice suits."
    He was being deliberately obtuse, which was his right since she was prying into things that were none of her business. She should just butt out. "I don't get this," she told him. "Explain it or you get no more coffee."
    "My mother wants me to be a neurosurgeon," Alex said.
    "Because she's a neurosurgeon and I am her only child." Alex sipped his coffee. "This stuff is great.
    I'm feeling human again."
    Nina scowled at him. "I thought you said you had a brother and sister.''
    "I do. She's an oncologist and he's a gynecologist." Alex stopped. "Oh, you mean, how am I an only child? They're half-sibs. Dad got married three times. We're all only children. It's a real bond."
    Nina put her chin in her hand, fascinated. "And your father wants you to be what?"
    "A cardiologist, since Stella and Max let him down." Alex drained his coffee mug. "I'm feeling a lot better. Have you got anything to eat?"
    Nina stood and got a package of Oreos from the cupboard. Fred perked up and moved nearer to Alex's hand. "Why did they let

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